Nathan Tabor: “America Loves Winners”

Ken AshfordRight Wing Punditry/IdiocyLeave a Comment

That’s an odd title for Nathan Tabor’s latest screed, seeing as how Nathan has tried to run for government office twice, and lost.

Just when you think that things are going bad for the G.O.P., some Democratic “leader” steps up to a microphone and gives the electorate one more reason to remember why they voted Republicans into the House, Senate, and White House in the last few elections.

Yes, I’m sure everything will turn around.

Let’s start our short analysis of Democrats with “foot-in-mouth” disease with their reactions to the elimination of terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.

After a perfunctory “We are proud of our troops for their tireless work,” on the Huffington blog, Representative Nancy Pelosi made sure that she, nonetheless, got a jab at President Bush. “His death [Zarqawi] does not alter the fact that our brave men and women in uniform are fighting a war of choice in which the President sent our troops into harm’s way without a plan for victory and without leveling with the American people.” Pelosi also called for “…serious debate about U.S. policy in Iraq,” which really means “It’s time to cut-and-run.”

Yeah, screw serious debate.  After all, if people wanted "serious debate" about sending American men and women to die, they would have elected Democrats.

Representative John Murtha also noted the removal of Zarqawi but then added “We cannot win this,” in his best defeatist mode before calling for troop withdrawals.

Senator John Kerry also praised the service members involved in the killing the Jordanian-born terrorist, but tempered his comments by adding “It’s time to work with the new Iraqi government to bring our combat troops home by the end of this year." Kerry has also introduced a Senate resolution that would require President Bush to withdraw almost all U.S. troops from Iraq by the end of this year.

Keep talking, Democrats. Keep calling for troop withdrawals. As General George Patton once declared “America loves winners,” and if the Democrats continue on their cut-and-run theme, the winner America will love in November will be the G.O.P.

Nathan, come out of your bubble and read the polls.  Most Republican voters now think Iraq was a mistake, and we should be looking for ways to get out.