Bin Who?

Ken AshfordWar on Terrorism/TortureLeave a Comment

Just another example of how badly this government is fighting the war on terrorism:

NEW YORK (AP) — A CIA unit that had hunted for Osama bin Laden and his top deputies for a decade has been disbanded, according to a published report.

Citing unnamed intelligence officials, The New York Times reported Tuesday that the unit, known as "Alec Station," was shut down late last year.

The decision to close the unit, which was created before the September 11, 2001, attacks, was first reported Monday by National Public Radio.

The officials told the Times that the change reflects a view that al Qaeda’s hierarchy has changed, and terrorist attacks inspired by the group are now being carried out independently of bin Laden and his second-in-command, Ayman al-Zawahiri.

The CIA said hunting bin Laden remains a priority, but resources needed to be directed toward other people and groups likely to initiate new attacks.

"The efforts to find Osama bin Laden are as strong as ever," said CIA spokeswoman Jennifer Millerwise Dyck.

"This is an agile agency, and the decision was made to ensure greater reach and focus."

A former CIA official who once led the unit, Michael Scheuer, told the Times that its shutdown was a mistake.

Meanwhile, read how the Coalition of The Willing is now the Coalition of The Nothing.

Anyway, the notion that bin Laden doesn’t have much influence over al Qaeda operations is belied by this article which came out just today:

WASHINGTON – The flurry of messages from Osama Bin Laden and his deputy this year suggests the pair is regaining control over Al Qaeda operations for the first time since the U.S. toppled the Taliban, two top experts told the Daily News.

"It means their command and control over Al Qaeda is probably stronger than we thought it was," said Michael Scheuer, who ran the CIA’s Osama Bin Laden unit and is the author of "Imperial Hubris."