“Bring ‘Em On” — Three Years Later

Ken AshfordIraq2 Comments

"There are some who feel like — that the conditions are such that they can attack us there. My answer is, bring ’em on. We’ve got the force necessary to deal with the security situation."

George W. Bush
Press Conference
July 2, 2003

More than 14,000 civilians have been killed in Iraq in the first half of this year, an ominous figure reflecting the fact that "killings, kidnappings and torture remain widespread" in the war-torn country, a United Nations report says.

Killings of civilians are on "an upward trend," with more than 5,800 deaths and more than 5,700 injuries reported in May and June alone, it says.

U.N.: 14,000 Iraqis killed in 2006
July 18, 2006

[Hat tip: Billmon]