The Found Currency Experiment concludes.
A guy decided to pick up any money (mostly pennies) that he sees on the street for one year.
After one year, how much do you think he netted?
Turns out, not that much. Only $25.36 (with $10.36 in coins). Here are the final stats:
Totals coin finds:
Pennies: 306 (4 of which were wheat pennies)
Nickles: 30
Dimes: 28
Quarters: 12
Paper Money: a 5 dollar, and 10 dollar bill.Averages:
– Bent down 376 times to pick up change
– Found 2.84ยข a day
Did he think it was worth it? Seems not:
It wasn’t a huge score but the experiment was fun, and it taught me 3 things.
1 – Humility: When you’re walking to work in Manhattan full speed ahead and you see a coin on the ground – It’s pretty obvious to everyone around you when you come to an abrupt stop in the middle of the sidewalk, to pick up a penny. There have been a ton of scenerios where I’d have to suck it up and just do it. Good times.
2 – Observance: During the last year, I’ve found change in some pretty obscure places. It’s not that I was seeking change out, but once you get into a habit, it becomes really clear to you when there is a shiney Abe Lincoln staring at you from the urine soaked edges of the Newark train station. You pay alot more attention to your surroundings.
3 – Defeat: Haha, SHIT AIN’T WORTH IT! I’m really glad I did this, and It was really satisfying to find out on my own about a curiousity I had a year ago, but for all the time I spent with this experiment on my mind I could have spent 1 day panhandling and probably doubled my profits…. Either that or a day the the Off Track Betting on 37th.