Kaye Grogan Sez You’re A Loser

Ken AshfordRight Wing Punditry/IdiocyLeave a Comment

Grogan0710Kaye Grogan written a column for a few weeks.  Presumably, she was on vacation, or in detox.  Apparently, whatever it was, it didn’t take.  You know that any column that ends with "And by the way . . . you’re the real losers — so get in the long line" was written by a very pissed-off columnist.

There are some people who just don’t know how to lose gracefully. Just because many think they are God’s gift to the world, does not mean everybody else is in agreement with that ridiculous self-glorifying theory. Refusing to concede when one has (obviously) lost an election reveals a bratty attitude. So what part of l-o-s-e don’t these people understand?

According to Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador the Democratic Revolution presidential candidate, he is going to the take to the streets to protest and drag his loss through the courts, because he lost his bid to be President of Mexico by 220,000 votes. Does this sound familiar?

Why, yes it does, Kaye.  Of course, it’s hard to understand how Obrador’s "defeat" is "obvious", given that Mexico has a long history of voter fraud.  It’s so bad, in fact, that court chellenges are built into the system which is why Calderon has not been declared the victor.

But don’t let facts get in your way, Kaye.

Has it ever occurred to Mr. Obrador that the Mexican citizens are tried of being ruled by the Leftist Party?

Has it ever occurred to Kaye that we never get tried of reading her typos?

The voters of Mexico have spoken loud and clear by voting for conservative Felipe Calderon to be their president. Hopefully, under a new more relaxed regime, the Mexicans can begin to prosper without having to rely on or be dependent on other countries to employ them, so they can eke out a decent living in their own country.

Hmmmm.  I wonder if Kaye knows that Calderon wants the U.S. to legalize the millions of undocumented Mexicans now living in the United States.

Is it possible Mr. Obrador has been conversing with two-thousand presidential candidate (loser) Albert Gore? Gore can certainly offer Obrador a bit of expert advice about how to stall while checking trash cans, and hanging chads, as a last ditch attempt to conjure up 220,001 votes, to win the election by a hair.

Um, oh I get it.  That’s funny!

Have you ever wondered why a political candidate spends millions to get a job making around $165,000 annually — especially using their own money? In nine years, the recovery amount of money would only be around $1.485 million.

Hey!  Kaye discovered the "Calculator" button under "Microsoft Accessories"!

Of course, if you add up all of the pay backs by special interest groups, combined with trips, expensive gifts etc., the amount can grow considerably. But all of the monetary value can’t begin to touch the most important aspect of securing a seat in the House or Senate — POWER!

Like shooting death rays from your eyes ‘n stuff!

Just watch the house and senate members as they go through the motion of governing, and you can easily pick out the ones who think everybody should at the highest crescendo, tremble in their shoes as they build up to their usual rhetoric. Many try to sound like the intimidating voice of the Wizard of Oz, as they point their finger and thrash their arms about.

"I am the great and powerful Senator from Wyoming!  Will the Wicked Witch kindly yield five minutes?!?"

If the Republican Party continues to straddle the fence instead of getting on one side or the other on the illegal immigration issue, their power is going to melt away like an ice cube on a 160-degree sidewalk.

Kaye’s really into metaphors today.

And if they are foolish enough to give absurd credence to the bogus polls that most Americans favor an eventual pathway to citizenship for around 20 million lawbreaking immigrants — well they are just whistling "dixie."

A tune very familiar to Kaye and her ilk.

The Democrats have backed the Republicans into a corner while erroneously thinking Americans will favor their do-nothing strategy if the Republicans fail to vote on a viable illegal immigration bill. But I have news for you guys and gals: the majority of the American people have had enough of both parties and the invasion by illegals.

So don’t believe those bogus polls.  Believe Kaye.

So now most of you can pin "loser" on the lapel of your expensive suits — with the exception of very few like Representative Tom Trancredo.

Most of "you"?  Is she talking to "you", the reader?

Mr. Trancredo is gaining in popularity every day, and if you don’t know why — you’re in worse condition than I originally gave you credit for.

Kaye gives people "credit" for being in a bad condition?  Yikes.

And if you’re holding your breath hoping the issues that cause the most stress, and needs the most attention is going to just work out — well, it ain’t gonna happen!

On Larry King live Thursday night featuring President and Laura Bush, the president admitted that there has been a massive illegal immigration problem for twenty-years since 1986.

He cried.

Well, when the U.S. government hands out free programs faster than a roadrunner can run a mile to foreigners, to appease Corporate America, naturally the domino effect is going to transpire.

Roadrunners run a mile to foreigners in order to appease corporate America?  WTF?

It’s amazing how our current leaders expect the majority of the American people to accept our beloved country being aggressively invaded by millions of illegal opportunists — especially with the blessings of most of our national leadership.

Since our government has sold America out (and as Emeril Lagasse would say: "you know who you are!") it will take years to regroup and start over (if possible) with new leaders. You also attempt to cover-up the fact that we are deeply buried in a trade-deficit hole — that will be impossible to dig out of for a very long time — if ever. And you are still more concerned with the economy of other countries and whether or not their people are flourishing (at the expense of hard-working Americans).

And yet, Kaye, so are YOU!  After all, you’re the one who wants Mexico’s economy to flourish so that the olive-skins hordes will stop collecting your trash.

So, if you haven’t bowed your head in shame yet . . . it is long overdue.

Who? Me?

And by the way . . . you’re the real losers — so get in the long line. At least you’ll have a lot of company.

Hey, fuck you, too, Kaye.