…your first reaction to reading that Haley Joel Osment [the kid in "The Sixth Sense"] was in a one-car automobile accident is "He’s old enough to drive?!?"
“Debbie Does Dallas: The Musical” Rehearsal Quotes Of The Day
"It’s so much better with them doing all the work so I can focus on my orgasm."- Female cast member, regarding her non-participation in the all-girl orgy scene/dance. "I had to do research." – Jamie [male director of the homosexual persuasion], commenting on his stage direction for the all-girl orgy scene.
Patti Davis On Bush’s Veto
Within an hour after Bush vetoed legislation barring federal funding for embryonic stem cell research, Patti Davis responds in an editorial entitled "Does Anyone Care?" On Wednesday, President Bush handed down his first veto ever, for a bill that would have allowed federal funding for stem-cell research on embryos left over after in vitro fertilization procedures—embryos that would otherwise be … Read More
Why Bloggers Blog
Pew survey: 54% of bloggers say that they have never published their writing or media creations anywhere else; 44% say they have published elsewhere. 54% of bloggers are under the age of 30. Women and men have statistical parity in the blogosphere, with women representing 46% of bloggers and men 54%. 76% of bloggers say a reason they blog is … Read More
Is Michael Brown In Charge If Lebanon Evacuation?
There were roughly 25,000 Americans in Lebanon when the bombs began. A couple thou have been evacuated so far. What about the rest? "We have an open line to all American citizens. We’re in touch with them by Web site. Those Americans who wish to leave will obviously go out," [Nicholas Burns, the U.S. undersecretary of state for political affairs] … Read More
“Debbie Does Dallas: The Musical” Rehearsal Quotes Of The Day
I think I might make this a quasi-daily feature for a while. Maybe even compile them in the sidebar to the right. I was thinking that some of the humor of these quotes might be too "inside", but actually, some of these quotes are even funnier out of context. "Yeah. All the guys wrestle each other. It’s, like, homoerotic, I … Read More
The Only Argument You Need To Know About Embryonic Stem Cells
From Ezra Klein: Embryonic Stem Cell lines come from material stored at fertility clinics which is already slated for destruction. Preventing these blastocysts from being used for research won’t ‘save’ them. It simply means they’ll be disposed of in a medical waste facility instead of being used to find cures for disease. The only reason to restrict federal approval of … Read More
“Bring ‘Em On” — Three Years Later
"There are some who feel like — that the conditions are such that they can attack us there. My answer is, bring ’em on. We’ve got the force necessary to deal with the security situation." George W. BushPress ConferenceJuly 2, 2003 More than 14,000 civilians have been killed in Iraq in the first half of this year, an ominous figure … Read More
Letterman’s Top Ten George W. Bush Video Moments
This is a bit old, and really needs to be updated in light of recent events, but it’s still a goodie: Funny, but he forgot this: RELATED: Shake’s Sister has some snark of her own.
Conservatives Having Bad Times
Data point: According to WaPo, conservatives feel Bush is AWOL on foreign policy. Data point: As posted earlier, the constitutional amendment banning gay marriage fails to pass the House. Data point: Meanwhile, the darling of the conservative christian movement, Ralph Reed, loses to a virtual unknown in Georgia. Data point: It’s generally agreed that Bush’s expected veto of embryonic stem … Read More
Taxi Drivers Strike Again
It always amuses me how conservative pundit often invoke their personal conversations with taxi drivers as support for their positions. You know, as in . . . "I was talking to a taxi driver the other day, and he told me that he thinks that Iraq must have had weapons of mass destruction, and they are now in Syria." Therefore … Read More
Lebanon Evacuation Update
Re my previous entry here — I just received the following email from CNN: Evacuation fees for Americans being helped to leave Lebanon will be waived, two Republican senators tell CNN.
Overheard At Rehearsal For “Debbie Does Dallas: The Musical”
"No doubt we are all going to hell" — Emily Mark
Same Sex Amendment Fails House, Too
Because the proposed anti-same-sex marriage amendment to the Constitution failed the Senate a few weeks ago, the vote in the House today was entirely symbolic. Even then, the proposal to define marriage as a union between a man and a woman failed: 236-187, 47 short of the two-thirds majority needed. UPDATE: An ultra-conservative Congressman (and a Democrat, believe it or … Read More
U.S. Citizens Trapped In Lebanon Have To Pay For Their Evacuation
From the website of the U.S. Embassy in Beirut (follow the link if you doubt me): A message to the American citizens in Lebanon: The Department of State continues to work with the Department of Defense on a plan to help American citizens depart Lebanon. As of the morning of July 15, we are looking at how we might transport … Read More