One year ago, a guy named Kyle McDonald set out to get buy a house . . . with only one red paperclip. Using Craigslist, he decided to barter the red paperclip for something slightly better. Then he would take that object and barter it for something slightly better. And so on . . . until he got a house. … Read More
Is Castro Dead?
2:40 p.m.: There’s apparently a buzz on Wall Street that Fidel bought the (collective) farm (so says the un-reality based Jonah Goldberg at The Corner), but nothing on the wires as of yet…. It’s only a rumor, but it stil might be a good time to read this article on, written a couple of weeks ago, about a post-Castro … Read More
Sucker Punch
And I’m such a sucker for this….
So Are They Gone Or Not?
Rumsfeld on the Taliban in Afghanistan, December 2002: KING: What’s the current situation in Afghanistan? RUMSFELD: It is encouraging. They have elected a government through the Loya Jirga process. The Taliban are gone. The al Qaeda are gone. Bush on the Taliban in Afghanistan, September 2004: "The Taliban are no longer in existance." Rumsfeld, today, when asked about the if … Read More
Second Headbutter Behind The Grassy Knoll
Ezra Klein gets a little obssessed with the headbutting video. What’s more, take a look (as you did the JFK assassination video) at Materazzi’s head. What I would expect–after a frontal assault on his chest–is for his body to move backwards and for his extremities to compensate (momentum conservation for you science folks) by lurching forwards. What’s more, you’d expect … Read More
The Anti-Times Rally
A small rally was staged outside the New York Times office by right-wingers protesting how the NYT leaks secrets and loves al Qaeda and blah blah blah. A very disappointing 150 people showed up. My favorite photo: So, according to this guy, publication of a NC subway map (you know like the one on the MTA website here) assists al … Read More
Policy Shift
Financial Times: The White House confirmed on Tuesday that the Pentagon had decided, in a major policy shift, that all detainees held in US military custody around the world are entitled to protection under the Geneva Conventions. What amazes me is that it was ever a QUESTION to begin with! UPDATE: Spencer Ackerman believes today’s announcement is little more than … Read More
Iraqi Brutality [Update: And Afghanistan]
Even to those who are aware of how bad things are in Iraq, this report totally shocks and disgusts: One international official told me of reports among his staff that a 15-year-old girl had been beheaded and a dog’s head sewn on her body in its place; and of a young child who had had his hands drilled and bolted … Read More
The India Train Bombing
Looks bad. A terrorist attack. A group blog in India has already been formed to help out.
To My Gay Friends In Guilford County
There’s a wanker in your midst. This is from the blog of Marcus Kindley, Chairman of the Guilford County Republican Party: We now say that homosexuality is ok. That it is natural. Yes it is as natural as pedophilia. If it were natural then we wouldn’t be having a conversation about it, because there would be no procreation. It really … Read More
It’s A Woman’s World
Yup. Men are becoming more superfluous than ever before. Why do I say that? Because of the rapid advances in the development of artificial sperm: Scientists have raised hopes of an end to male infertility after producing mice using artificial sperm. Artificial sperm have been used to create living animals for the first time, in an experiment that promises an … Read More
Dear Mr President…
From Slate’s "Low Concept" feature, an excerpt of Robert Raben‘s recent missive to the chief executive: Dear Mr. President, I think it’s ridiculous that some of my friends on the left, and some in your party as well, are complaining about the fact that you and some of your colleagues in the executive branch have been monitoring and maintaining personal … Read More
June Allyson Is Dead
I thought it was an "open secret" that she was gay. But I see nothing about that in the obits, and I’m not going to say anything. Except, you know, I already did.
The Swiftboating of Murtha
Great piece on the vile attacks perpetrated against Vietnam veteran and war hero John Murtha. Even if you know the story, it’s a good read.
Smart = Sexy
Albert knew: Albert Einstein had half a dozen girlfriends and told his wife they showered him with "unwanted" affection, according to letters released on Monday that shed light on his extra-marital affairs. The wild-haired Jewish-German scientist, renowned for his theory of relativity, spent little time at home. He lectured in Europe and in the United States, where he died in … Read More