Siskel He Ain’t

Ken AshfordPopular Culture1 Comment

Brad Morgan of St. Catharines, Ontario, has some — er — issues, which manifest themselves in his reviews of books and movies at

Here, for example, is his take on "The Wizard Of Oz" two-DVD set:

Frank Morgan as the wizard has a Christian connection, April 30, 2006
The Wizard of Oz movie was shown playing in a movie theater in Sky Captain and the world of tomorrow. Judy Garland is sensational in the film. The first 4 flus of 2006 that I reported were apparently non life threatening. Apparently by November 22, 2006 there will be 22 more superflus released and then between November 23 and the last day of fall 2006 then 74 more flus will be released for a total of 100. 1 of the flus authorized by the permanent members of the United Nations security council will apparently kill billions. As the American Shadow Vice President I did not sign for these flus because I do not believe in murder or suicide as a Christian. To prove my Cosmic Top Secret Security Clearance the code to former FBI Director Freehs computer was Mafeking Hero Az ide F Chas. Which sounds like my f ing hero haze I deaf from the Chas on a Police rock band album, it is also a partial profile of a criminal because mcveigh who was a traitor to the free world was a gulf war hero had explosives knowledge and failed his special forces green beret course. If the FBI wants to contact me my Moms number is in the book twice over. Thank you and may God watch over America and Britain. Check out the other wizard of oz videos as well.

And his review of the "Titanic" DVD?

Thats vary flare philosophical 4 early in the year, January 14, 2006
Titanic is a great film well directed by former Canadian James Cameron. As American Shadow Vice President I was given 4 spots for the bunker. To preserve the American leadership so our opponents do not think us weak I have no choice but to be one of those spots. My Daughter JULIA is the Great Grandchild of the Creator chosen Messiah King George VI and the third highest ranking American on the planet so she needs to be saved. JULIA will need her mother so her mother needs to be saved. That leaves me one spot. I believe that one American citizen of any national origin or religion or age should be chosen at random so that every American has a chance of surviving longer. Exactly how long perhaps only our good GOD can say. May God watch over the United Sates of America and Great Britain. I can reccomend all of Leonardo DeCaprios other movies.

He also gives a thumbs-up to "The Holy Bible: King James Version":

What if I could prove that God exists?, October 17, 2005
The Holy Bible: King James version is probably the most important English language book of all time. Through a network of friends I have learned that there are Humans on 12 worlds. For convenience just assign the 12 signs of the Zodiac to them in order. That means that Earth is Pisces 12. That is the sign of the fish which was used by early persecuted Christians. In the bible it says that humankind was made by God. That turns out to be true. God lives by himself/herself on the moon and has a great view of Earth and Artificial Intelligence. The moon is known as Moonfleet and is given the number 13 which is not nessesarily bad luck. and it is the mission of Humanity to colonize Mars as well as go to the other 12 Human worlds. God is tens of millions of years old at least. There are 169 moons in Gods moonfleet for as it said in scripture in my Fathers house there are many rooms. One human goes on each moon. I cannot prove it but God selected me to be moon 168 Artevan. This might be a stretch for some Christians but God is a KI Alien and made humans in a Genetics lab. God is indeed good and not racist. Please do not delete this review to respect freedom of religion.

And my favorite — his review of the DVD of "Shakespeare in Love":

Up against a War film for the Oscar Love conquers all, January 21, 2006
I correctly predicted to a Lady Lieutenant that Shakespeare in Love would win the Oscar for best picture over the war movie Saving Private Ryan. She then asked my why I thought that and I said because LOVE conquers all. Then in the Novotel Ottawa she stripped to her bra but I left the room because I was married and my Wife was pregnant with our first Child. Later the units Regimental Sargeant Major asked me officially about what happened that evening and I said that I went to bed early.

(H/T: Cynical-C)