Taxi Drivers Strike Again

Ken AshfordRight Wing Punditry/IdiocyLeave a Comment

It always amuses me how conservative pundit often invoke their personal conversations with taxi drivers as support for their positions.

You know, as in . . . "I was talking to a taxi driver the other day, and he told me that he thinks that Iraq must have had weapons of mass destruction, and they are now in Syria."

Therefore (the reader is supposed to think) the conservative pundit is correct in his viewpoint, and has the pulse of the people behind him — all because a taxi driver believes the same thing as a pundit.

John Hindrocket is at it again:

But I was struck at the time by the fact that several taxi drivers told me they had soured on the Republicans because of "stem cells." The Republicans never regained their momentum (or their approval ratings) after the missteps of early 2005.

What does this guy do?  Ride around in cabs all day discussing stem cells with the drivers?