The Big Protest

Ken AshfordRight Wing Punditry/IdiocyLeave a Comment

Michelle Malkin organized a huge protest in front of the New York Times building on the Fourth of July.  The purpose was to express outrage at the Time’s "leaking" of "classified information", thus jeopardizing the lives of Americans blah blah blah.

16 people, not including the organizers and journalists, showed up.

Apparently, the New York Times is still in business.

RELATED: More amusement at Malkin outrages here, including the manufactured scandal that the New York Times published photos of Cheney’s and Rumsfeld’s summer homes (Malkin et al said it was an invitation to terrorists to kill Cheney and Rumsfeld — it turns out that the photos were published with Cheney and Rumsfeld’s permission, and the Secret Service okayed it as well!)

More thoughts from Greg Sargant.