“Debbie Does Dallas: The Musical” Rehearsal Quotes Of The Day

Ken AshfordPersonalLeave a Comment

You know, there were probably seven or eight things said at last night’s rehearsal that I made a mental note to remember, and — of course — I forgot most of them.  Here’s all that remains:

"Try saying that line like you just took a bath in dookie." – Acting tip from director

"Hold the book down to his crotch on the word ‘nuts’.  That’s a mnemonic device so it’ll be easy to remember." – Director

"So it would be really great if you could say that ‘masterbate’ line, if you’re comfortable with it." – Director

This is the phase of rehearsing that I like.  It’s the part where we’re off-book (well, in theory) and Jamie (our director) adds the flourishes and touches that kick the show up several notches.  Many directors aren’t like that — they block the movement, maybe ask a supposedly penetrating question or two about one’s "character", and then run the damn thing over and over again to polish it.  That static approach is a common problem in community theater; in fact, I’ve actually met actors who think that’s the way it should be — that rehearsals are for nothing more than learning your blocking, and then just doing it over and over again.  Personally, I find no joy in that, and I wonder why anyone else would.

But unlike those directors and actors, Jamie understands that the blocking, line memorization, and even choreography is just the foundation.  It’s not the final product; not even close.  And the great thing about working with Jamie — especially during this phase of rehearsals — is that the show leaves rehearsal significantly better than the way it entered.  Every single rehearsal.  Not only is it more "polished", but there are new bits thrown in, and new ways to think about scenes.  The show actually improves each night, in a very tangible way.  Makes it interesting, and fun, and totally worth the muscle sores.