Gimme That Ol’ Time Religion

Ken AshfordGodstuffLeave a Comment

Shakespeare’s Sisters shine a spotlight on this video in a post entitled "Holy Laughter and Spiritual Drunkenness".  The Youtube description on the video reads:

The late Kenneth Hagin and not-late Kenneth Copeland are seen here during a pastor’s conference in which the crowd was worked up into quite a state. "Holy Laughter", "Spiritual Drinkenness", dancing, thrashing about, falling out, speaking in tongues, mooing (yes, you read that right) and various and sundry other so-called pentecostal manifestions.

It becomes evident that in a room full of preachers and their wives, especially of the crazy holy-roller persuasion, no one wants to be seen as being left out or not being spiritual. So…. these kinds of mass-mind outbursts tend to snowball.

Shakespeare’s Sister adds her two cents:

I really, really, really don’t get this. What’s the point? …This certainly isn’t relatable to anything I ever saw or learned at church, but, then again, I was raised a solemn Lutheran. The zaniest thing that ever happened inside those doors was ambrosia salad at pot luck night made with two different flavored Jell-Os.

In defense of the spiritual drunks, none of them blurted out anything about Jews being responsible for all the wars in the world.

Yeah, I suppose this is one of those "whatever floats your boat" things.  But as for me, that ol’ time religion — it’s good enough for me.