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AmazonmilkIt’s actually a two-parter:

(1)  Why do they sell milk on Amazon.com?

(2)  Why are people reviewing it?

Avoid using this product, August 5, 2006

Reviewer: Andrew Rickert (Denver, CO) – See all my reviews

Unfortunately, after a terrible night’s sleep, I have concluded that this product is not suitable for use a a pillow.

Al Gore Approved, August 5, 2006
A Kid’s Review
I ran out of gas the other day while driving my wife to the dentist to get her teeth fixed. Luckily, I had a gallon of Tuscan Whole Milk in the back. I opened up the bottle and let er’ flow into the tank. Sure as my wife is toothless, the car got me to the dentist and back. I now use it as my primary fuel source. This milk can also be used to lube your car in a pinch; it’s thick, creamy greatness lubes my cylinders very nicely.

Land Of Milk And Honey, August 5, 2006

Reviewer: Van Biesbroeck Trialogue (Lesser Sunda, Malay Archipelago) – See all my reviews

Questions about the particular significance of Tuscan Whole Milk, 1 Gallon, 128 fl oz and honey involve literary archaeology, and such pursuit reveals the different layers of meaning these ancient fertility symbols gained as they were adopted and assimilated by different early cultures of the Middle East. What ultimately emerges is a startling image whose core is pantheistic and sexual, as well as both sacred and profane.

Way better than juiced cow, August 5, 2006

Reviewer: Jay C. Austad (Minneapolis, MN) – See all my reviews

I highly recommend this product. After years of failure putting cows through my Juiceman, Tuscan Whole Milk has come out with a product that not only looks like milk, but actually is milk. I have no idea how they’ve done it, but surely there is a patent on their brilliant process. The best I could ever hope to get was a pulpy red mess with chips of bone and some fur.

Interestingly enough, the cow milk I made tasted very similar to squirrel milk. Is there a market for that?

Anyone wanna buy a Juiceman Juicer? I don’t think I need it anymore.

10 of 11 people found the following review helpful:

Combine with other foods!, August 5, 2006

Reviewer: J. Fitzsimmons (Milwaukee, Wi) – See all my reviews

Has anyone else tried pouring this stuff over dry cereal? A-W-E-S-O-M-E!

See the hilarity here.