
Ken AshfordBush & Co.Leave a Comment

Yup, I agree.  Bush sometimes sounds like a college student who is trying to speak authoritatively in class, when in fact it’s clear that he hasn’t done the required reading.

Exhibit A:

"We discussed a lot of issues. The Prime Minister has laid out a comprehensive plan. That’s what leaders do. They see problems, they address problems, and they lay out a plan to solve the problems. The Prime Minister understands he’s got challenges and he’s identified priorities."

— President George W. Bush, joint press availability with Nouri al-Maliki, Prime Minister of Iraq, July 25, 2006

What substantive information did you learn from that statement?  Is anybody unaware that leaders "address problems"?  Why the civics lesson in language for 5 year olds?

And I hasten to add, that was a prepared statement, not an off-the-cuff response from a reporter’s question.