My Culture Of Destruction

Ken AshfordRight Wing Punditry/IdiocyLeave a Comment

We’ve never heard of this punctuation and grammar-impaired conservative columnist before, but we’re going to keep an eye on him.  His name is Ken Hughes, and his column is entitled "The Democrats Culture of Destruction".  Note the lack of an apostrophe in the title.  Yup, it gets better:

Is The "Culture of Destruction" practiced by Democrats a winner or will it destroy them?

Look at me!  I coined a phrase!

Democrats are out to destroy those things that won them elections in the past and now are going to bury them.

Yes — we’re going to bury those "things" in a shallow grave.  And then dig them up again — that’s the beauty of a shallow grave!

They seem to be directed by political neophytes, such as Michael Moore, George Soras, Cindy Sheehan and an accumulation of persons who make their living reading Teleprompters and scripts written by others.

Michael Moore?  George Soras [sic]?  I haven’t heard from them in ages.

Liberalism is being murdered in the voting booths and Democrats want to charge George Bush with its murder.

I guess Ken is referring to the victory of liberal Ned Lamont over his far-more-conservative opponent, Joe Lieberman.

I prefer to call it justifiable homicide, or better yet prolonged suicide. Democrats can’t seem to grasp there’s a new group of voters who don’t necessarily follow the party line any longer. They’re more sophisticated and understand the issues clearer than their parents. They’re called thinkers not followers the old screaming down at them tactic isn’t working any longer.

The "use of punctuation" tactic isn’t working too well either.

Yes there are questions on the war in Iraq and we weren’t told the truth because the truth wasn’t known at the time.

If the truth wasn’t known, then shouldn’t that have been said at the time?

President Bush scarcely had time to scrap the cow manure off his boots and get the straw out of his hair before 9/11occoured.

It takes him six months to do that?

What he did have was a pile of unread intelligence information left over from the Clinton administration. Wasn’t Al Gore responsible for managing homeland security in the Clinton Administration?

Uh, no.

President Bush inherited a multitude of false impression when he took office as did his adversaries.

That’s our favorite sentence in the whole piece.  My goodness, where to begin?

First of all, how does one "inherit" a false impression?  Much less a multitude of them?

Second of all, someone needs to point out to Ken that Bush’s adversaries didn’t take office.

Sounding dumb and being dumb aren’t necessarily synonymous.

But you’re going a good job, Ken.

Democrats are like little children if there isn’t any crap on the surface of the pond they feel compelled to jump in even with the warning signs up around the pond, it’s the alligator below that’s going to get them.

Nothing we can say will improve on the humor of that last sentence.

When pushed George Bush can be an alligator, or a Bobcat neither of which no one wants to tangle with.

Thank you, Marlon Perkins.  Condi Rice is, I think, a cockatoo.

History teaches us the quiet men are nearly always the achievers, it’s the loudmouths who are heard but not listened to who are the underachievers.

What does history say about those who are heard but not understood?

The Democratic Party seems to have more than their share of loudmouths in and out of political office.Scarcely a day goes by that some Democrat doesn’t come up with some failed policy of the President only to have it turned back on them in a few days or weeks.

Such as?

I can’t help but believe God hasn’t assigned the Angel Providence to follow George Bush around brushing all this Democratic demagoguery off him and back on them.

And then, when Bush’s presidency is over, he’ll look back and see only one set of footprints….

It seems every derogatory accusation Democrats come up with fly’s off George Bush and back on them.

Rubber.  Glue.  You get the idea.

Democrats have convinced themselves they’re Darwin’s chosen people.


The select few are destined to rule and the rest become wards of the state. Democrats believe high taxes are the road to prosperity, if one hasn’t studied economic at one of the Liberal Universities one doesn’t have a clue.

Let me guess — Ken hasn’t studied at one of the Liberal Universities.  Just a hunch.

Private property and personal wealth are obscene and vulgar unless its their wealth and their property.

There’ll come a time when Liberalism is put to rest in some isolated place in a coffin made to contain the contamination liberalism infects nations with.

As well as all the prepositions that we end sentences with.

You can bet your voter registration card it’ll be a Republican President who gives the eulogy.


If you’re a Democrat and you’re worried about political assassination by your own party come of over we Republicans will protect you, that includes you Hillary.

Because Republicans are conservative, even with their punctuation.