Now I’ve Seen It All

Ken AshfordPopular CultureLeave a Comment

Guess who has the hots for Whitney Houston?  Is it…

(a)  William Shatner

(b)  Osama bin Laden

(c)  Jessica Lange

(d)  Paul Reubens (aka Peewee Herman)

The answer will surprise you.  See below the fold….

The answer is (b) — Osama bin Laden.  According to the respectable Daily Mail

Binladenap210806_228x200Terror mastermind Osama bin Laden is so obsessed with singer Whitney Houston he thought about killing her husband, Bobby Brown, it was claimed last night.

The suggestion is made by Sudanese poet and novelist Kola Boof, who claims she was bin Laden’s sex slave for four months 10 years ago.

In her autobiography, Diary of a Lost Girl, she writes: "He told me Whitney Houston was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen."


"He said that he had a paramount desire for Whitney Houston, and although he claimed music was evil he spoke of someday spending vast amounts of money to go to America and try to arrange a meeting with the superstar.

"It didn’t seem impossible to me. He said he wanted to give Whitney Houston a mansion that he owned in a suburb of Khartoum.

"He explained to me that to possess Whitney he would be willing to break his colour rule and make her one of his wives.

"Whitney Houston’s name was the one that would be mention constantly.

"How beautiful she was, what a nice smile she has, how truly Islamic she is but is just brainwashed by American culture and by her husband Bobby Brown, whom Osama talked about having killed, as if it were normal to have women’s husbands killed."

And here’s my favorite part:

She also says his favourite television shows were The Wonder Years, Miami Vice and MacGyver.