It wasn’t so much a Lamont victory as a Lieberman loss. I’m sure the political blogosphere will have a lot of post-game analysis about why Lieberman lost. Much of it will no doubt suggest that Lamont won only because of the blogs (even the mainstream media has reported that angle). The "bloggers did it" meme is silly. They may have … Read More
Liveblogging The WFDD “Debbie Does Dallas: The Musical” Interview
Background here. 9:50 am: Jamie (Director) talks about the "curiousity factor" of the show. Compares DDD with "American Pie" and "Something About Mary". Avoids the word "particularly", which he has a hard time saying. Um, Arthur Miller? 9:52 am: Heather ("Debbie") mentions her dry, deadpan sense of humor. Yup. 9:53 am: Yeah, Jamie. Of course you didn’t have reservations about … Read More
Cat In A Bottle
Let this be a metaphor for life. Or . . . just something to look at for the next 17 seconds:
The Science Behind Mel Gibson’s Malibu Meltdown
Last Mel Gibson post, I swear. This isn’t exactly news to any who has been drunk before, but it’s nice to see it confirmed: Was this alcohol-fueled soliloquy an ugly insight into Mr. Gibson’s character — in other words, in vino veritas? Or was it just the tequila talking? *** “We all have things that we might think or feel … Read More
BP Closure of Gas Pipeline = More $$$ Paid At The Pump
Alaskan Pipeline Closure May Fuel Motorists’ Ire Ugh. What a terrible pun. But the story itself is actually worse. The Bay Area will not face an oil shortage, but gas prices may jump in the weeks to come following a shutdown of Alaska oil supplies, experts said Monday. London-based BP Amoco PLC, the world’s second-largest oil supplier, is shutting down … Read More
Massage Therapist Banned From Having Sex With Her Husband
Minnesota has a law which forbids massage therapists from having sex with their clients for two years. A therapist who violates the law can have his/her license revoked, and be fined. The problem with the law (aside from the fact that it is a victimless crime) is that it makes no exception for marriage. That can cause a problem. Just … Read More
July Was The Second Hottest Recorded July In U.S. History
From the NOAA: August 7, 2006 — The continental United States suffered through its second-hottest July on record because of a blistering heat wave from California to Washington, D.C. The heat wave broke more than 2,300 daily temperature records for the month and eclipsed more than 50 records for the highest temperatures in any July, according to the NOAA National … Read More
AOL Users: Your Searches May Have Been Made Public
For some reason, AOL publicly released the search inquiries of 650,000 of its users. While the AOL username has been changed to a random ID number, the abilitiy to analyze all searches by a single user will often lead people to easily determine who the user is, and what they are up to. The data includes personal names, addresses, social … Read More
Don’t Let The Bedbugs Bite
They’re making a comeback: Absent from the U.S. for so long that some thought they were a myth, bedbugs are back. Include me as one of those who thought they were fictional. Entomologists and pest control professionals are reporting a dramatic increase in infestations throughout the country, and no one knows exactly why. *** Bedbugs are tiny brownish, flattened insects … Read More
Reconciling Evangelicalism And Science
You have to click through Salon’s annoying "ad", but this article is very worthwhile. It’s an interview with Francis Collins, the former head of the Human Genome Project (which attempts to map the DNA of humans). A man of science and a former atheist, Collins discusses his religious views. He seems to sit comfortably within both realms, although to do … Read More
Yikes! Hillary May Want To Rethink Her ’08 Election Bid
“Criminal" "Megalomaniac" "Fraud" "Devil incarnate" "Power freak.” "Satanic" “Political whore” These are words used by New Hampshirites to describe Hillary Clinton. New Hampshire Democrats. Full story here.
Bush Needs A Civics Lesson
Today he said: "Which gives me confidence about the future in Iraq, by the way. You know, I hear people say, Well, civil war this, civil war that. The Iraqi people decided against civil war when they went to the ballot box." What does "going to the ballat box" have to do with whether or not there is a civil … Read More
All Eyes On Connecticut
I’ve been following the CT primaries closely, and despite an apparent surge from the incumbent this weekend, it looks like progressive newcomer Ned Lamont is going to the Dem primary over former VP candidate and Bush appeaser Joe Lieberman. The punditry on this issue is overwhelming, so I can add little to the mix. Clearly, Joe Lieberman is the first … Read More
Video Proof That Britney Spears Is As Thick As A Door
This private moment of Britney (filmed by hubby Kevin Federline) shows what a class act she is. She whines about how ugly she is, then she burps, all the while acting — I don’t know — stoned, I guess. She’s swatting at imaginary fairies or something. But the best part comes at the end: Britney: Have you ever seen "Back … Read More
Shorter Pat Boone
"Mel Gibson is not an anti-Semite, because he loves Christ and Christ was a Jew." Pat goes on to explain that it really was the alcohol talking, likening Mel’s outburst to someone with Tourette’s syndrome. Yeah, right.