Tom “Six Months” Friedman Gives Up

Ken AshfordIraqLeave a Comment

New York Times columnist Tom Friedman earned the nickname "Six Months" because of his repeated prognostications about the War in Iraq, which all sounded really similar.

"The next six months in Iraq—which will determine the prospects for democracy-building there—are the most important six months in U.S. foreign policy in a long, long time."
[New York Times, 11/30/03]

“What we’re gonna find out, Bob, in the next six to nine months is whether we have liberated a country or uncorked a civil war.” [CBS’s Face the Nation, 10/3/04]

“I think we’re in the end game now…. I think we’re in a six-month window here where it’s going to become very clear and this is all going to pre-empt I think the next congressional election—that’s my own feeling— let alone the presidential one.” [NBC’s Meet the Press, 9/25/05]

“We’ve teed up this situation for Iraqis, and I think the next six months really are going to determine whether this country is going to collapse into three parts or more or whether it’s going to come together.” [CBS’s Face the Nation, 12/18/05]

"I think we are in the end game. The next six to nine months are going to tell whether we can produce a decent outcome in Iraq."
[BC‘s Today, 3/2/06]

Well, I think that we’re going to find out, Chris, in the next year to six months—probably sooner—whether a decent outcome is possible there, and I think we’re going to have to just let this play out."[MSNBC‘s Hardball, 5/11/06]

Today, he abandons that meme, and admits that “It is now obvious that we are not midwifing democracy in Iraq. We are baby-sitting a civil war”.  He adds that it’s time to “disengage.”  (Link here, but it’s behind the NYT subscription firewall).

Welcome, Tom, to the club.