More Women Prefer…

Ken AshfordWomen's IssuesLeave a Comment

Every Tuesday, the folks over at Mental Floss type a search term into Google, and report the trivia that turns up in the results.  They call it "Tuesday Turnip" (get it?).

Today’s Tuesday Turnip was "More women prefer".  Here’s what the Mental Floss folks discovered from searching that phrase in Google:

Dog_and_woman More Women Prefer Dogs Over Husbands: An online poll released by, shows more women would rather have a pet than a husband.

I’m skeptical of this — consider who conducted the poll.

More Women Prefer Looks Over Money: The more money a woman earns, the more likely she is to prefer good looks to money in her man, a new survey reveals.

Not surprising.

More women prefer clean-shaven men (70% of women prefer a clean shave, 20% prefer a goatee, 7% prefer a full beard, 3% do not care about facial hair).

Yeah, the goatee thing is soooooo 90’s.

More women prefer shopping for their children than for their spouse (71% compared to 67% for women aged 16-55).

I think more woman prefer shopping than, well, anything.

Cable TV’s Oxygen Network recently released a report suggesting that technology advertisers are missing out on a large market share by not marketing to women. The survey found that more and more women prefer technological gadgets to jewelry, clothes and shoes, nearly closing the gap between women and men and their technology needs and uses.

Hmmm.  I suppose that depends on the gadget.

Given the option, more and more women prefer Caesarean section to natural birth.

Well, duuuuh.

Paulnewman_1More women prefer blue eyes (36 percent) to brown or dark eyes (30 percent).


When it comes to having their private parts examined, more women prefer a physician of their own sex. But for treating a broken leg, women don’t seem to give physician sex a second thought, according to a Norwegian study of women aged 36 to 55.

They have women in Norway?

According to a Lifetime Women’s Pulse Poll, three times more women prefer to work for a man, with Bill Gates topping the list of ideal male bosses at 38%. But despite this preference for men, the #1 ideal boss is Oprah Winfrey with 58% of the vote.

This doesn’t surprise me.  I think women have more problems working for women then for men.