One Night In Bangkok

Ken AshfordBreaking NewsLeave a Comment

CNN and MSNBC are reporting that there may be a coup attempt in Thailand….

This story is only minutes old — even AP has nothing.

UPDATE: 12:10 p.m. – Okay, everyone’s got the story now.  Still, some good blogger coverage at Bangkok Pundit and 2bangkok.

I confess.  I have absolutely no knowledge of Thai politics.  I couldn’t even hazard a guess.  So I have no idea if the coup is a good thing or a bad thing. 

But usually, military coups are a bad thing.  So, I’ll go with "bad thing". 

Our economy is affected by Thailand.  We have many manufacturers there (you know, cheap labor) so anything destabalizing to that country (and I think an armed military coup probably qualifies) is not a good thing.