Bill O’Reilly boasts to Barbara Walters, saying he is on al Qaeda’s "death list". He knows this because the FBI told him. The FBI responds: "I’m not aware of any FBI agents warning anyone at Fox News of their presence on any list….For that matter, I’m not aware of any Al Qaeda hit list targeting journalists. Agents from the D.C. … Read More
Getting Emergency Contraception
Everyone has been linking to this harrowing account of what it’s like to get emergency contraception (EC) in rural Ohio, so I will too. This woman’s doctor told her to call the ER. She did. Then a parade of nurses hemmed and hawed over the phone, until finally a fourth nurse told her what was going on: "Well see," he … Read More
Marty Lederman: “U.S. to be First Nation to Authorize Violations of Geneva”
Professor Lederman looks at the new detainee bill and speaks his mind: [I]t only takes 30 seconds or so to see that the Senators have capitualted entirely, that the U.S. will hereafter violate the Geneva Conventions by engaging in Cold Cell, Long Time Standing, etc., and that there will be very little pretense about it. In addition to the elimination … Read More
Just Want To Get Something Off My Chest
I’m sick of this woman’s face. And if you don’t know who she is, don’t worry about it. I just wanted to say I’m sick of her face. Presumably, she’s a real person. Anyone know who?
“Yes Virginia, There Is A Santa Claus”
Believe it or not, the famous editorial appeared 109 years ago today. Yup, in the September 21 edition of the New York Sun.
This Week Is “Unmarried and Single Americans Week”
You probably don’t get a floating holiday for it though. Still, in honor of people like me (as opposed to, say, certain other people), here are some fun facts: 95.7 million Number of unmarried and single Americans. This group comprises 43 percent of all U.S. residents age 15 and over. 54%Percentage of unmarried and single Americans who are women 14.5 … Read More
McDonalds Might Sell Breakfast Meals All Day
Good. Because their breakfast menu is better than their regular one.
Woodsy The Owl To Be Cremated
"Give a hoot, don’t pollute". That’s what Woodsy the Owl used to say. I guess that message no longer conforms to the Bush Administration, who now wants to do away with the environmentally-correct mascot.* In fact, they really want to do away with him. Here are actual instructions from the USDA Forest Service website: Destroying Old Woodsy Owl Costumes – … Read More
Quote Of The Day
"I am sick of Karl Rove’s bullshit." – Bill Clinton in the latest New Yorker. Sadly, the New Yorker doesn’t have the interview in its online version, but apparently that’s what the Big Dog actually said. Other Clinton quotes from the article: Clinton on the Kerry campaign: "Like a deer caught in the headlights." Clinton on watching the World Cup … Read More
Presidential Doodles
Match each doodle with one of the following five Presidents: Rutherford B Hayes (1877-1881), Benjamin Harrison (1889-1893), Warren G Harding (1921-1923), Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1933-1945), and Richard Nixon (1969-1974) Take another quiz here.
Something Which May Make MySpace Bearable
There are a lot of reasons I hate Myspace, but mostly I hate the idea of it. It’s like one huge crowded online pickup bar, except with tacky decor, no booze, and a high school cafeteria mentality. It’s easy to understand why college students abandon Myspace and go to something like Facebook. And why adults prefer Blogger or Typepad or … Read More
Irony Alert
Glenn Greenwald points out that Michelle Malkin supports fair trials and due process for Christian terrorists… but has claimed in the past that fair trials for Muslim detainees is "coddling" terrorists. Strange how her attitude changes when the religion of the terrorists changes.
An Average Day In The Life Of Joe Republican
A pretty decent explanation of why I’m a bleeding heart liberal pinko commie: Joe gets up at 6 a.m. and fills his coffeepot with water to prepare his morning coffee. The water is clean and good because some tree-hugging liberal fought for minimum water-quality standards. With his first swallow of water, he takes his daily medication. His medications are safe … Read More
Jim Wallis vs. Ralph Reed
Jim Wallis, author of the book God’s Politics, has a new blog discussing, well, religion and politics. Wallis is often thought of as a "liberal Christian", but that would be an inaccurate charactorization. The theme of Wallis’s book is quite simple: God belongs to no single political party and true faith transcends political categorization. This week, Wallis is having an … Read More
Boo Hoo
Looks like UNC denied full professorship to "Prof" Michael Adams. Gee, I can’t imagine why.