Public Speaking

Ken AshfordBush & Co.Leave a Comment

The Talent Show guy looks at Bushie’s press conference from this morning:

"The — you know, I — obviously I’m listening very carefully to this debate."

"And now all of a sudden, people are saying, you know, ‘The Bush administration ought to be going it alone with North Korea.’"

"Somebody said he said, ‘Well, you know, cut-and-run isn’t working.’ That’s not our policy."

"My point was: Bilateral negotiations didn’t work. you know, I appreciate the efforts of previous administrations. It just didn’t work."

"What ends up happening is that, you know, we say to a country such as North Korea, ‘Here’s a reasonable way forward.’"

"They could — you know, they say the world is about to fall apart because of the United States’s problem."

"If North Korea decides that, you know, they don’t like what’s being said, they’re not just stiffing the United States"

"This isn’t, you know: Oh, please stand up and say something. "

"I am, you know, amazed that this is a society which so wants to be free that they’re willing to — you know, that there’s a level of violence that they tolerate."

"And it’s now time for the Iraqi government to work hard to bring security in neighborhoods so people can feel — can feel, you know, at peace."

"But I, you know, talk to people like General Casey. "

"I, you know, I stand by the figure a lot of innocent people have lost their life."

"You know, I haven’t seen Baker’s report yet. "

"I believe that, you know, you empower your generals to make the decisions — the recommendations on what we do to win."

"And I think the characterization of, you know, ‘Stay the course,’ is about a quarter right."

"It’s important for the folks to understand that we don’t continually shift our goals based upon, you know, polls or whatever."

"And I believe the diplomacy is, you know, we’re making progress when we’ve got others at the table, you know?"

"It’s a joint statement that talked about economics and that, you know, we won’t attack North Korea."

"You know, one of the most meaningful moments of my presidency came when a Japanese mother came to the Oval Office to talk about what it was like to have her daughter kidnapped by North Korea."

"You know, we want to make sure what we understand what Republicans knew and what Democrats knew in order to find the facts."

"And I believe yesterday he said that if somebody on his staff, you know, didn’t tell him the truth, they’re gone."

"But I think when they get in that booth, they’re going to be thinking about, you know, how best to secure the country from attack and, you know, how best to keep the economy growing."

"And, you know, there’s just a kind of law enforcement mentality that says: Well, we’ll respond after attack."

"I think it’s very important that no one question the patriotism or, you know, the loyalty to the country."

"And so I wouldn’t necessarily characterize these countries’ positions as, you know, locked-in positions."

"You know, speaking about books, somebody ought to add up the number of pages that have been written about my administration."

"And this is the — this is about the fifth time I’ve been asked this type of question and, as you know, there are some things that I wish had happened differently."

"If somebody’s not trying to sneak in to work — in other words, coming through in a way where they’re showing a temporary worker, you know, pass, where they’re not using coyotes to smuggle across, where they’re not, you know, going through tunnels — it’s going to make it much easier for us to do our job."

"And you’ve got urban areas like El Paso or, you know, Southern California where people have been able to sneak in and — by use of urban corridors."

"I went down to Arizona, the Arizona sector, and saw a place where there’s literally neighbors abutting the border, and people would come — you know, a hundred of them would rush across the border into a little subdivision and the Border Patrol would catch two or three and 97 would get in."

"It will certainly help stamp out all these illegal characters that are exploiting human beings; you know, these coyotes that stuff people in the back of 18-wheelers for money."

Saving the best for last…

"You know, nobody’s accused me of having a real sophisticated vocabulary; I understand that."

Yeah…I know.