“Sorry I Haven’t Posted In A While…”

Ken AshfordBlogging1 Comment

This is unique.

A blogger went out and collected a bunch of apologies written by other bloggers explaining reasons why they have been lax in their blogging.  Some examples:

"I’m sorry I haven’t posted in awhile. I’ve been so busy, but hopefully we’ll catch up on things. Anyway, my great-grandmother died today." [LINK]

"I forgot my password…" [LINK]

"bc I knew my next post would address the current war in Lebanon" [LINK]

"I’ve been busy shooting soccer teams." [LINK]

"Sometimes it can be exhaustingly overwhelming to say what you think, which is why I haven’t posted in awhile." [LINK]

"I haven’t had the internet and I have been drunk or busy alot. I kind of did a minor (for me) crash and burn when I found out Selissa was fucking one of my friends (after we broke up). The night I walked in on them I had just spent about 200 dollars on boxing gear for this guy, because he wanted me to teach him how to fight. Anyway, everyone has something to mope about. Truth is, there really can be no rules for this sort of thing." [LINK]

"I’ve been really bummed. I went shopping" [LINK]

"Both lazy & busy or just busy being lazy. " [LINK]

"more than the usual laziness was involved" [LINK]

"I would like to blame it on the excess of greasy iftaar goodies that reek havoc on any sane person’s digestive system, but alas, it is my own laziness" [LINK]

"I was hoping to make a celebratory declaration about the new oven’s arrival. The good news is, it did finally arrive on Wednesday afternoon. The bad news is, it’s been a nightmare ever since it got here!" [LINK]

"I had a really bad end to my summer" LINK]

"I’ve been very depressed since Ginger died." [LINK]

"We are on ‘vacation.’" [LINK]

I confess that I don’t really get this.  Why does one feel the need to "apologize" for not blogging?  Is blogging a mandatory thing we do (for those of us who do it, that is)?   Is it required?

And who exactly are we apologizing to?  Do we assume that we have a loyal fanbase of several thousand?  Strikes me as a little vain.

Look, even I don’t know why I blog.  I just do it.  Maybe it’s to vent.  Maybe it’s because — after doing this for a couple of years — it’s fun to look back (and it will be funner ten years from now, assuming I keep it up).  My stat counter says I get 70-100 visits per day, and that’s nice.  But I’m not egotistical enough to think that I’m letting anyone down by NOT blogging for a few days.