The 100 Scariest Movie Scenes Of All Time

Ken AshfordPopular CultureLeave a Comment

As determined by the folks at the popculture site, retroCRUSH (my comments are in italics):

100. The Wicker Man – "It’s YOU!"never saw it

99. Return of The Living Dead – "BRAAAAINNNNS!"not sure if I saw it or not

98. To Kill A Mockingbird- "Jem is truly outrageous"scary, if you’re five years old I guess

97. Frankenstein- "Little girl takes a dive"not scary, but funny

96. Blue Velvet- "Frank comes home"weird scary

95. The Hitcher- "You want fingers with that?"never saw it

94. Jaws- "Quint tells a story"a great scene, but I wouldn’t call it "scary"

93. Creepshow- "Creature in the crate"never saw it

92. Confessions Of An Opium Eater- "Vincent Price trips out!"never saw it

91. The Hills Have Eyes- "Geekin’ out!"never saw it

90. Dumbo- "Pink Elephants On Parade"never saw it, but it doesn’t sound scary

89. Them!- "THEM!"never saw it

88. Heavy Metal- "Undead Air Force"never saw it or head of it

87. The Shining- "All work and no play"scary in a creepy way

86. Night Of The Hunter- "Shelly Winters takes a bath"never saw it

85. Altered States- "Special FX spook overload"don’t remember it

84. Scanners- "Killer migraine"never saw it

83. The Legend of Boggy Creek- "Not even the toilet is safe"never saw it

82. The Birds- "The eyes have it"yeah, scary

81. Tombs of the Blind Dead- "Slow motion horseback riding"never saw it or head of it

80. Invasion of the Body Snatchers- "That’s one ugly dog"don’t remember it

79. The Crying Game- "Nice package!" – scary?

78. The Exorcist III- "Old lady crawls on the ceiling"never saw it

77. Event Horizon- "OK, retroCRUSH is scared by missing eyes"never saw it

76. The Shining- "Red Rum"yeah, kinda scary

75. The House On Haunted Hill- "Ghosts in the viewfinder" – never saw it

74. Silent Scream- "Through the craw space"never saw it

73. Gates of Hell- "Puke your guts out"never saw it

72. Poltergeist II- "Swallow the worm"yeah, pretty scary

71. Akira- "Teddy bears are supposed to be cute" – never saw it

70. The Evil Dead- "No means no, even for trees!" – don’t remember it

69. Zombie- "Surprise, more eye trauma!"never heard of it

68. Freaks- "One of us!"don’t remember it

67. Prince of Darkness- "What the HELL is that?"never heard of it

66. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre- "Do you like head cheese?"never saw it, believe it or not

65. Marathon Man- "Without novacaine"yup, scary

64. Poltergeist- "Who moved those chairs?"freaked me out the first time I saw it

63. The Wizard of Oz- "Flying monkeys!"yeah, I guess

62. When A Stranger Calls- "The call is coming from your house!"very scary

61. The Shining- "Furry Freakout!"just plain weird

60. Pee Wee’s Big Adventure- "Large Marge sent me!"actually, it was kinda scary

59. Jaws- "We’re gonna need a bigger boat"  one of my favorite movie lines ever

58. Psycho- "Hi, Mom!"scary

57. The Exorcist- "Subliminal seduction"scary

56. Psycho- "Norman’s eyes"scary

55. The Godfather 2- "Fredo…."never saw it

54. The Changeling- "Follow the bouncing ball"never saw it

53. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre- The Bone-Roomnever saw it

52. The Ring- "Girl in the closet"yup, scary

51. Jaws- "Shark tug of war"scary

50. An American Werewolf in London- "A walk in the woods"scary

49. Trilogy of Terror- "Zuni fetishist"never heard of it

48. The Exorcist- "Pea soup puke-fest"more gross than scary

47. Eraserhead- "Cutest baby ever"scary

46. Salem’s Lot- "Who’s that scratching on my window?"very scary

45. Poltergeist- "What nice complexion you have!"scary

44. Repulsion- "Delusions of madness"never saw it

43. Friday the 13th- "Swimming with Jason"never saw it

42. Seven- "Sloth"eh

41. Reservoir Dogs- "Lend me your ear"more gross than scary

40. King Kong- "Kong shakes his big log"yeah, whatever

39. The Thing- "Creepy crawler"don’t remember it

38. 28 Days Later- "Where is everyone?"huh?

37. The Cell- "A horse is a horse, of course of course"never saw it

36. Silence of The Lambs- "With a nice chianti!"creeeeeepy

35. Poltergeist- "Time to clean the pool!"scary

34. The Ring- "Samara comes out of the well"scary

33. Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom- "I hate bugs!"scary only if you hate bugs

32. The Evil Dead 2- "Grabbin’ Ash"never saw it

31. The Exorcist- "Hot crucifix action"scary

30. Alien- "That egg looks bad"scary

29. The Phantom of the Opera- "Unmasked!"scary in a classical way

28. The Shining- "Here’s Johnny!"funny scary

27. Twilight Zone The Movie- "Wanna see something real scary?"not really

26. Dracula- "Renfield eats flies"never saw it

25. Halloween- "Sheet with glasses!"scary

24. Suspiria- "Eyes without a face"never heard of it

23. A Nightmare On Elm Street- "What big arms you have"never saw it

22. Serpent and the Rainbow- "Not the spider!"never saw it

21. Invasion of the Body Snatchers- "Sutherland screams"don’t remember it

20. Full Metal Jacket- "Pyle loses it"yeah, that was scary in it’s own way

19. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory- "Wonka’s boat ride"silly, not scary

18. Nosferatu- "Shadow terrors"scary

17. Misery- "Hobbling"scary

16. The Thing- "Blood Runs Cold"never saw it

15. Invasion of the Body Snatchers- "You’re NEXT!" don’t remember it

14. The Blair Witch Project- "If this tent’s a shaking…"very scary

13. Night of the Living Dead- "They’re coming to get you, Barbara!"never saw it

12. The Exorcist- "Head spinning"classically scary

11. Deliverance- "Squeal like pig"not scary, just distrubing

10. The Shining- "Room 237"oh my god that was really scary

9. The Exorcist III- "Head scissors"never saw it

8. Night of the Living Dead- "Look who’s outside"never saw it

7. Jaws- "Heads will roll"scared the crap out of me the first time I saw it, and it still does

6. Un Chien Andalou- "Eye slicin’ fun!"never saw it

5. Poltergeist- "Clown under the bed"no, I thought it was kind of funny

4. Alien- "Chestburster"verrry scary

3. The Shining- "Danny takes a trike ride"gave me nightmares

2. Carrie- "Surprise Arm"jumped a mile out of my seat

1. Psycho- "Shower scene"well, naturally, very scary