Responding To Dobson

Ken AshfordConstitution, Godstuff, Sex/Morality/Family ValuesLeave a Comment

Via Daily Kos, we get some Dobson quotes from his interview with Larry King: DOBSON: Those again on the liberal end of the spectrum are those who have no value system, or at least they say there is no moral and immoral. There’s no right or wrong. . . . But when a religious leader, or especially an evangelical, falls, … Read More

Gays Are Everywhere

Ken AshfordSex/Morality/Family Values1 Comment

Pam Spaulding points to this report (PDF format).  Not surprisingly, San Francisco has the largest gay population in the country (8.2% in the metro area). But what she (and I) found startling was the increase in same-sex couples from 2000 to 2005: Seems gays are coming out all over, and not just in New York and California.  North Carolina, for … Read More

How Stupid Is John Hinderaker?

Ken AshfordIraq, Right Wing Punditry/Idiocy1 Comment

Unbelievably stupid.  Listen as he (once again) tries to claim that the violence in Iraq is not that bad. Let’s start with his conclusion — the last two paragraphs of his post: I wrote in June that based on the data at that time, the murder rate in Iraq outside of Baghdad is about the same as American cities like … Read More

Pray For Who?

Ken AshfordCrime, Godstuff2 Comments

This story, being somewhat local, has been getting a little press: The Dyersburg Youth Minister accused of raping a 14 year old girl has resigned from his position as Youth Minister of Music at Springhill Baptist Church. 44 year old Timothy Byars submitted his resignation to the church’s pastor over the phone. Byars was released from jail in Knoxville Sunday … Read More

Those Bastards!

Ken AshfordSex/Morality/Family ValuesLeave a Comment

This is the kind of news story that drives the conservative right crazy: 37 percent of U.S. births out of wedlock Out-of-wedlock births in the United States have climbed to an all-time high, accounting for nearly four in 10 babies born last year, government health officials said Tuesday. While out-of-wedlock births have long been associated with teen mothers, the teen … Read More

Brave New World – Part II

Ken AshfordScience & Technology1 Comment

Okay.  You’ve got a cell phone, a laptop, and all the various things plugged in to your wall in your house.  What do they have in common? Well, not to be obvious, but they all require a power source — i.e., electricity.  Electricity comes from a power source, like the electricity connected to your home courtesy of Duke Power or … Read More

The Conservative War Against Cartoons

Ken AshfordGodstuff1 Comment

Let’s see. Back in 1999, Jerry Falwell wanted us to know that Tinky Winky the Teletubby was part of the “homosexual agenda.” In 2004, The Traditional Values Coalition, published a “parents beware” warning about Shrek 2, which the TVC believed was part of a DreamWorks effort to help the “transgender agenda…by promoting cross dressing and transgenderism.” Also in 2004, the … Read More

Thanksgiving In A Bottle

Ken AshfordPopular CultureLeave a Comment

Jones Soda has an interesting product out:  A Holiday Pack of Thanksgiving Soda. Yup.  Five bottles, five flavors.  You get Turkey and Gravy soda, Sweet Potato Soda, Dinner Roll Soda, Pea Soda, and to top it off, Antacid Flavored Soda. They want you to know that "all sodas are completely vegetarian, certified kosher, and contain zero caffeine, calories, and carbs. … Read More

Iraqis Want America Out

Ken AshfordIraqLeave a Comment

PIPA has released a new poll of Iraqi attitudes toward the U.S. occupation. There’s no doubt about what they want: they want us to leave. 74% of Shiites want us to leave within a year or less 91% of Sunnis want us to leave within a year or less. 78% of all Iraqis believe U.S. forces are provoking more violence … Read More