GOP Dirty Tricks

Ken AshfordElection 2006Leave a Comment

As we come down to the wire on Election Day, reports are popping up of widespread Repubican dirty tricks.  It’s called robo-calling: What we’re talking about is something a bit different. What we’re seeing is an apparent coordinated effort from the NRCC — the House GOP committee — to place calls that appear to be from the local Democratic candidate … Read More

Nathan Tabor Is Insane

Ken AshfordRight Wing Punditry/IdiocyLeave a Comment

Latest screed: I  find it interesting that, in today’s maniacal media world, conservatives are taken to task for every syllable they utter, but liberals are given a pass. A GOP gaffe will be replayed ad nauseam on news broadcasts, news magazine programs, and comedy shows. Then, it may get a second round of play on liberal talk radio and ripped-from-the-headlines … Read More

Haggard Fesses Up; So Does Doogie

Ken AshfordGodstuff, Sex/Morality/Family Values2 Comments

CNN: Less than 24 hours after being fired from the mega-church he founded, evangelical Pastor Ted Haggard confessed to a "lifelong" sexual problem. In a letter read to members of his New Life Church Sunday, Haggard said he is "a deceiver and a liar." Haggard apologized to his congregation in the letter and asked for their forgiveness. You like irony?  … Read More

Anti-Rumsfeld Editorial

Ken AshfordBush & Co., IraqLeave a Comment

Newspaper editorials calling for Rumsfeld’s resignation are pretty common.  What makes this one unique? It’s an editorial that is running jointly in the Army Times, the Air Force Times, and the Navy Times: Time for Rumsfeld to go "So long as our government requires the backing of an aroused and informed public opinion … it is necessary to tell the … Read More

Dude Is Clearly Tweaking

Ken AshfordSex/Morality/Family ValuesLeave a Comment

So Pastor Haggard says he bought meth once — and only once "out of curiosity" — from the gay prostitute named Mike Jones. [Interestingly, the audio tapes have Haggard saying that he "we" wanted "more" crystal meth]. And he admits he got a massages from the gay prostitute named Mike Jones. But he claims he never used the meth that … Read More

No. What’s Your Plan?

Ken AshfordIraqLeave a Comment

The president was campaigning today in one of the few places where he’s still welcome, and he rolled out his final campaign pitch of the season. Bush said Democrats calling for withdrawing U.S. troops from Iraq aren’t unpatriotic, just wrong. […] "If they say they want to win the war on terror, but call for America to pull out of … Read More

Dem Senate Takeover Prospects

Ken AshfordElection 2006Leave a Comment

Here’s all you need to know. The Democrats will take over the House.  Nobody doubts that anymore. As for the Senate, the Democrats will make gains, but in order to take over and get a majority, they need to win in three of these four closely contested states: Montana, Missouri, Virginia, and Tennessee. Now check out this chart (click to … Read More

At The Request Of Rightwing Bloggers, Republicans Leak Nuclear Secrets Online

Ken AshfordWar on Terrorism/TortureLeave a Comment

The Carpetbagger explains: Several months ago, right-wing activists and blogs were convinced that all the talk (read: reality) about Iraq not have weapons of mass destruction had to be false. If only intelligence documents could be released online, Republicans could unleash the mighty power of far-right bloggers, who could review the documents and prove that those pesky facts about going … Read More

Iraq As Art

Ken AshfordIraqLeave a Comment

Huh? A senior U.S. general compared Iraq on Thursday to a "work of art" in progress, saying it was too soon to judge the outcome and playing down violence and friction with Iraqi leaders as "speed bumps" on the road. "A lump of clay can become a sculpture, blobs of paint become paintings which inspire," Major General William Caldwell, chief … Read More

Haggard Shadenfreude

Ken AshfordGodstuff, Sex/Morality/Family ValuesLeave a Comment

UPDATE:  By the way, many think this scandal will impact the election, as it is likely to lessen the evangelical vote.  Among those who think that is Stephen Bennett, a top spokesman of the religious right.  According to AmericaBlog, Bennett sent out an email: Stephen ended, "Will this affect the elections next Tuesday? Are Republicans disenfranchised with the hypocrisy within … Read More

GOP Message Not Sinking In

Ken AshfordElection 20061 Comment

Good news from today’s New York Times poll.  It looks like America isn’t the bastion of conservatism that Fox News likes to think it is… On Bush’s handling of Iraq: 29 percent of Americans approve of the way President Bush is managing the war, matching the lowest mark of his presidency. Nearly 70 percent said Mr. Bush did not have … Read More