Things I Now Know About Kristin Chenowith

Ken AshfordPopular Culture2 Comments

KristinchenowethesquireFrom reading this bio-article in The New York Times:

  • Her dog is named after Madeline Kahn — ironic, since she’ll be playing the Madeline Kahn character in the upcoming Broadway musical version of Young Frankenstein
  • She made a TV pilot (to be aired in January?) co-starring with Nathan Lane, about a Regis & Kathy talk show couple
  • There’s talk of her playing the title role in a film about Dusty Springfield
  • You know that episode of Studio 60 on Sunset Strip where the Harriot character (based on Chenowith) made some pro-gay remarks, thereby offending some of her Christian fans, thereby getting her disinvited from performing at a Women of Faith conference?  That’s all true.
  • She’s a devout Christian and a sexpot, and has no problems being both
  • She supports Barack Obama for President
  • She’s a bit of a loner.  She watches "Dancing with the Stars" because she "has no life".