Guy Who Never Had A Chance In Hell Drops Out

Ken AshfordElection 2008Leave a Comment

Vilsack ends his 2008 presidential bid.

For those of you who don’t know him (98% of us), he is the ex-governor of Iowa.  Here’s a photo:


UPDATE: CNN gives us Vilsack-in-a-nutshell:

Tom Vilsack (D-Iowa)

  • Filed candidacy papers with the FEC on 11/9/2006 (two days after midterm)
  • Dropping out 2/23/2007
  • Length of campaign: 15 weeks, 1 day (106 days)
  • Not the first 2008 presidential hopeful to drop out: Sen. Evan Bayh (D-Indiana) dropped out 12/15/2006
  • Also not the shortest presidential campaign of 2008: Sen. Evan Bayh dropped out after 10 days
  • Elected Iowa governor in 1998; served two terms

    Presidential Fundraising from 11/9/2006 thru 12/31/2006:

    Total Raised:                 $1,165,075.99
    Total Contributions:          $1,133,827.51
    Contribs. from candidate:     $2,100.00
    Loans from candidate:         $31,148.48
    Total Spent:                  $769,113.13
    Cash on hand (as of 12/31/06):$395,962.86

    Personal Finances:
    Personal assets between $761,000 and $2,315,000
    Liabilities between $115,000 and $300,000

    On the issues

    Abortion: Supports abortion rights.

    Immigration: Expressed concern over Bush immigration proposals, but eventually deployed Iowa National Guard troops to assist at the California-Mexico border. Signed law establishing English as Iowa’s official language, but now says he regrets that decision.

    Iraq: Opposes Bush plan to send more American troops to Iraq. Opposes setting a specific time-table for troop withdrawal. Would consult with military advisers on removing troops from Baghdad and central and southern Iraq, while keeping them in northern Iraq.

    Same-Sex Marriage: Supports Iowa’s law banning on same-sex marriage, but says a federal or state constitutional ban is unnecessary. Supports civil unions for same-sex couples.

    Social Security: Opposes Bush plan allowing workers to divert some Social Security payroll taxes into private retirement accounts. Signed state law phasing out income taxes on Social Security benefits.

    Taxes: Signed law cutting or eliminating certain taxes for Iowa seniors and reducing tax rate on pensions. Vetoed income tax cuts in a 2004 state economic bill, but was later overturned by the courts.