Hiccup Girl Update

Ken AshfordHealth Care1 Comment

I first blogged about her last Friday.

Yes, she still has the hiccups.  But now she’s plagued with something else …instant celebrity:

ST. PETERSBURG – The notes under the door. The incessant phone calls. The impassioned pleas, all begging for a piece of the story.

It wasn’t reporters in search of secret intelligence involving the war in Iraq.

The subject: St. Petersburg’s Jennifer Mee, a 15-year-old who started hiccuping four weeks ago today and has yet to stop.

The competition for her story became so frenzied over the weekend that NBC’s Today show changed Jennifer and her mother’s New York hotel after another network’s exhaustive attempts to get an interview.

"You really never know what is going to gain that sort of attention," said John Trevena, a Largo lawyer who has represented some high-profile clients. "It seems once it starts, it spreads like wildfire. It becomes very exhausting for all involved."

Representatives from ABC’s Good Morning America called Jennifer’s home 57 times on Sunday and slipped notes under her hotel room door, her family said.


The Northeast High School freshman, whose family does not own a computer, can now be seen hiccuping on YouTube. Bloggers refer to her as the "hiccup girl," and people worldwide have suggested cures. A Google search for "Jennifer Mee" and "hiccups" brought up 10 pages of Web sites.

It’s all a bit overwhelming.

Jennifer has school to think about. Her mom, the family’s chief wage earner, has to get back to work. She and her husband, their five daughters and his brother rent a two-bedroom home in north St. Petersburg.

"We went to the media for one reason only, but now I just feel like she is being used," Jennifer’s stepfather, Chris Robidoux said about reaching out for help.

"She’s not for sale. She’s a human being."

While Jennifer has enjoyed being a celebrity, she’s tired. The hiccups hurt.