John Edwards Virtual Campaign Headquarters Attacked

Ken AshfordElection 2008Leave a Comment

This is a little weird, but so is the 21st century.

As I posted a few weeks ago, John Edwards established the first campaign headquarters in virtual reality — specifically, in Second Life.  I thought that was pretty saavy, and a sign of things to come.

Unfortunately, the headquarters have been virtually vandalized.  A group of, well, miscreants with too much time on their hands have buried the headquarters in virtual graffiti.  The group calls itself “Patriotic Nigras: e-terrorists at large,” and Saturday they claimed credit for the Edwards attack.

Here is a video of another Patriotic Nigras attack (set to some not-safe-for-work music).  What these bozos do is that they flood a virtual building or place with graphics of Mario Brothers, Bill Cosby, and zombies.  Presumably, a similar thing happened to the virtual Edwards headquarters.

Pretty weird if you ask me.