The rules:
- You must use the subject line — the entire subject line and only the subject line — from your spam emails.
- No more than one subject line per line of the poem (but a long subject line can be broken into two or more lines within the poem)
- Punctuation and capitalization changes can be made.
This installment’s poem:
Night Table
Jugingu picked a weed nearby and started chewing it
And went into a strange trance.
They sang a medley of gay Christmas song parodies
From United States
But no such ban exists.I saw this right from the start.
On afterthought and the verbose yet kindly reprimands of a few good friends,
I raised my price to a level at which I can make a living.Your future?
I’m bringing it back from the old days.
We all have a stake.
What did you decide to do?Seashore cappuccino?