
Ken AshfordPersonalLeave a Comment

Menatwork_2Ugh.  Too many pots in the fire.  Or cooks in the broth.  Or fans fanning the flames.  Or something.

In any event, there’s a lot of craziness with my job at the moment.  Higher-ups and colleagues are out of the country, which basically means I have keys to the car this week, which basically means that I’m overseeing 25 attorneys and 60 paralegals and various other support staff, which basically means I need to keep focus.

Because God forbid this ship should strike an iceberg on my watch, junowotimean?

So as I become mired in petty personnel issues, organizational meetings, endless conference calls, whiny underlings wanting to "leave early" because it’s just me at the helm, and — oh, yeah — the occasional practice of law, you can expect light blogging for a few days.

And even if I had copious free time today, I probably wouldn’t be blogging.  Instead, I’d probably be out looking for this kid.