May Ain’t October, BUT….

Ken AshfordRed Sox & Other SportsLeave a Comment

I’m loathe to write about the Red Sox, because I have a feeling that the second I do, they’ll start sucking.

But I gotta say… I’m liking what’s happening. 

Mother’s Day?  Down 5-0 in the bottom of the ninth …and they come back to win

Yesterday?  Dice-K becomes the first Bosox rookie since 1994 to throw a complete game, trouncing Detroit 7-1?

Beckett, Dice-K, and Schilling dominating the mound?  And everybody hitting from the plate?

A 26-11 record for the season?  8.5 games in front of the Yankees (thanks in part to the sweep a few weeks ago)?

Yes, I know.  It’s a long season, and the Red Sox are notorious for starting off with a bang, and then slowly getting injured.  And choking at the last moment.  But at this point in 2004 (when they won the pennant and World Series), they were 5 games over .500.  Now they are 15.

So I like the feel of this.