Religious Extremist Terrorists Attack U.S.

Ken AshfordGodstuff, War on Terrorism/TortureLeave a Comment

Think they only come from the religion of Islam?  Try Christianity:

Three Burleson men who belong to a “radical Christian activist group” were in the Johnson County Jail on Friday night after a church deacon caught two of them attempting to ignite an explosive device on Independence Day at a church under construction in north Burleson, authorities said Friday.

Dayton Lee Calaway, 19, and Michael Philip Plaisted Jr., 18, were arrested Wednesday night near the Victory Family Church after they got bogged down in mud as a fleet-footed deacon chased them from the church in the 400 block of Northwest John Jones Drive, police said.

Two other people drove away, the deacon told officers.

An explosive device in a glass container was found propped against the church door. The suspects apparently tried to detonate the device twice before being interrupted by the deacon, police and Burleson Fire Marshal Stacy Singleton said.


Cmdr. Chris Havens, the Police Department spokesman, said the suspects boasted about belonging to a leaderless group of 10 or 15 who share a belief that society has become too focused on self-improvement and self-gratification and has lost focus on the glorification of God.

“They admit to being Christian and being brought up Christian, but they believe there should be one denomination and one church, not multiple denominations,” Havens said.

“They did not say they had a name for their group, other than they were a radical Christian activist group. That was the way they explained their group,” he said.

The suspects said the group has three levels of involvement: Bible study, consensual fighting and destructive acts. Because one of their beliefs is free thought, however, participation in all three levels is not mandatory, they told police.

This is not to suggest that Christianity is a haven for terrorists.  It’s to remind folks that all religions, not just Islam, have a fringe element.  And it’s wrong to single out one particular religion as promoting hatred and violence.

That said, had this been a radical Islamic group, can you imagine the media coverage?