I Can’t Follow This Utah Mine Story Anymore

Ken AshfordDisastersLeave a Comment

It’s too depressing.

I would be nice, at some point, to focus on mine safety and the people who appoint to oversee that:

It turns out that the guy in charge of mine safety for the federal government, Assistant Secretary of Labor Richard Stickler, couldn’t even get approved by the Senate back when it was under Republican control because his own record on safety issues was so questionable. President Bush had to put him in with a recess appointment.

Perhaps it’s not time to assign fault while active rescue operations are underway. But once that’s over, maybe it would be worth the networks taking a tenth of the time they use milking ratings from these mine sagas and cast a little light on how a lot of this is preventable if the mine owners would stop breaking the rules and the federal government stopped looking the other way.