Need A Hug?

Ken AshfordScience & TechnologyLeave a Comment

Longsleeve A new shirt — appropriately titled "The Hug Shirt" — has special sensors and pads that — literally — hug you when triggered.

But that’s not the best part.

The best part is that the "hugging" pads can be triggered from other Hug Shirts.  That means that your mom or friend halfway across the country can send you a hug simply by hugging themselves in the Hug Shirt.  The shirt’s sensors transmit data (hug pressure, skin temperature, heartbeat rate, time you are hugging for, etc.) to their cell phone, which sends the info to your cell phone, which sends the hug to your Hug Shirt, which (hopefully) you are wearing at the time.

It’s all done through Bluetooth technology.

A clever little invention.

I can think of some racier spinoff products, but I’m sure so can you….