150 Monty Python Sketches

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  1. PythonfootLumberjack Sketch
  2. Buying a Bed
  3. Hitler in England
  4. Agatha Christie Sketch
  5. Spam
  6. Married
  7. Murderers
  8. Archaeology Today
  9. French Sketch
  10. Mouse Problem
  11. Bicycle repairman!
  12. Most Awful Family In Britain
  13. Albatross
  14. Storytime
  15. Dirty Fork
  16. Blackmail
  17. Bruce
  18. Lingerie Robbery
  19. Lion Tamer
  20. Silly Vicar
  21. Kilimanjaro Expedition
  22. The Visitors Sketch
  23. Trouble at the Mill / The Spanish Inquisition
  24. Aussie hunters
  25. The money programme!
  26. A Man With Three Buttocks
  27. Mattress Skit
  28. How to contradict people
  29. The stolen newsreader
  30. Interesting people
  31. The smuggler
  32. Meat Sketch
  33. Silly Job Interview
  34. Lets talk ant
  35. The Fish Slapping Dance
  36. Timmy williams coffe time!
  37. The Bishop
  38. Semaphore version of Wuthering Heights
  39. Little Red Riding Hood
  40. Exploding Blue Danube
  41. Arthur ‘Two Sheds’ Jackson
  42. Flying Lessons
  43. I Wish to Report a Burglary
  44. Confuse-A-Cat Ltd.
  45. Johann Gambolputty
  46. The Dull Life of a City Stockbroker
  47. How Not To Be Seen
  48. Tchaikovsky’s Piano Concerto No.1
  49. Penguins
  50. Undressing
  51. Tiny Words
  52. Italian
  53. Ministry Of Silly Walks
  54. Spectrum
  55. Burglar
  56. My Brain Hurts!
  57. The Llama
  58. Deja Vu
  59. Blood Donor
  60. Office Sketch
  61. Tennis Anyone?
  62. River Tossing
  63. Cheese Shop
  64. Oscar Wilde
  65. Mr Clean-Air System, the Boxer
  66. The Writer’s Son
  67. Camel Spotting/You’re No Fun Anymore
  68. The Dirty Vicar
  69. Christmas in Heaven
  70. Prawn Salad waiting room
  71. The naughty queen Victoria
  72. Secret Service Dentistry
  73. Spot The Looney
  74. Salad Days
  75. I have a theory!
  76. 20th Century Vole
  77. Dead Parrot
  78. Ypres Sketch
  79. Queen Victoria handicap
  80. Travel Agent
  81. Holy Grail – Black Knight
  82. Self Defence Class
  83. Holy Grail – Killer Rabbit
  84. Monty Python- The Bridge
  85. Holy Grail – French Invasion Plan
  86. Holy Grail – Knights of the Round Table
  87. Always Look on the Bright Side of Life
  88. Holy Grail – Bloody peasants!
  89. The Funniest Joke In The World
  90. The Upperclass Twit Of The Year
  91. Every Sperm Is Sacred
  92. Hell’s Grannies
  93. Young Pythons
  94. Dirty Hungarian Phrasebook
  95. Hunting Sketch
  96. Man Who Speak Only Partial Words
  97. Expedition to Lake Pahoe
  98. Whizzo Chocolate Company
  99. Whicker Island
  100. Freemasons Architects
  101. Mr. and Mrs. Git
  102. New Brain From Curry’s
  103. Rival Documentaries
  104. Pilots’ Banter
  105. Cheap Airline
  106. Arthur ‘Two Sheds’ Jackson
  107. Police Station Silly Voices
  108. Professor Gumby
  109. Art Gallery
  110. International Philosophy
  111. Careers Advisory Board
  112. Me Doctor
  113. Man Who Speaks In Anagrams
  114. Sherry Drinking Vicar
  115. How To Irritate People – Need a lift
  116. How To Irritiate People – Restaraunt
  117. Naughty Chemist
  118. Abandoned Sketch
  119. Silly Disturbances
  120. Fish License
  121. Come Back to My Place
  122. Johann Gambolputty
  123. Hermit Skit
  124. Poofy Judges
  125. Travel Agent
  126. Marriage Guidance Counsellor
  127. Choreographed Conservative Party Speech
  128. Tudor Jobs Agency
  129. Ken Shabby
  130. A Scotsman on a Horse
  131. Fish Club
  132. Falling Minister
  133. Theatre Sketch
  134. Aussie Hunters
  135. Introducing Harry Fink
  136. How to Irritate People – Actors
  137. How to Irritate People – The Joke
  138. Cosmetic Surgery
  139. Norwegian Party
  140. The First Heart Transplant
  141. Pope and Michelangelo
  142. Silly Olimpiad
  143. Antiracist Song
  144. Nudge Nudge
  145. Flying Lessons
  146. The Money Programme
  147. Seduced Milkman
  148. Office Sketch
  149. Hospital sketch
  150. Job Interview

— compiled by One Man’s Blog