Yup, it’s National Talk Like A Pirate Day…. again.
UPDATE: There is, of course, an online translator — just in case your pirate talk is not up to snuff.
I took a snippet from Heather’s blog about being at "Legally Blonde: The Musical" for the MTV taping and ran it through the Pirate Speak translator:
Arrr, the cast ga’e an amazin’ performance full o’ electric gobbets o’fine gold. They war ob’iously feedin’ off o’ us as the audience cried Bra’o and clapped for minutes at a time after almost e’ery number. It was so thrillin’ t’ be a part o’ an audience that was so intune with the show they war watchin’. I was disappointed that Leslie Kritzer had already left the role o’ Sarna and thar was a new girl playin’ Pilar as well. A pence for an old man o’de sea?
And here’s Miss Emily Maaaarrrrrrk, mateys, o’bloggin’ ’bout Sweeney Todd rehaaaaarrrsals:
Ahoy, i”e de-stressed quite a bit after ha’in’ a talk with Chris, our director. She happened t’ mention t’ me after her class that this part o’ the rehearsal process is always the most frustratin’ t’ her. I let loose on how frustrated Me am about tryin’ t’ memorize this show & how doubtful Me am that it will come together and be anythin’ good. She told me that, o’er the next two weeks, we’d be workin’ the show in chunks. E’ery eve, we’d work about twenty or thirty pages until we got all the way through. Aye, me parrot concurs.