Fifteen Minutes Of Fame Ridicule Not Enough For Craig

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The guy’s a glutton for punishment, I guess:

Sen. Larry Craig is reconsidering his decision to resign after his arrest in a Minnesota airport sex sting and may still fight for his Senate seat, his spokesman said Tuesday evening.

Republicans are apoplectic:

Top Republican strategists were neither delighted nor amused by the senator’s decision to rethink retirement after pleading guilty to disorderly conduct following his arrest in a Minnesota airport men’s bathroom.


A senior GOP Senate strategist said Republican leaders want him gone now and will press for him to keep his promise to resign. The strategist warned Craig is "losing any goodwill built up among his colleagues," adding, "He is simply a fish out of water, floundering right now to get his last gasp of political air."

"It simply defies reality," said a Senate GOP aide. "You can’t make this up even if you are heavily medicated. The American people heard from Larry Craig that he would resign, and using the word ‘intent’ as a back door doesn’t work with them."