Self-Imposed Torture

Ken AshfordYoutubeLeave a Comment

For your viewing pleasure — 238 Miles, a short film about one man’s journey from Iowa City to Chicago.

As an experiment, Steve Delahoyde decided to listen to a single song, on repeat, during the whole trip. The rules: he had to continue listening to the song at all times, he was only allowed to stop for gas or restroom facilities, and he had to document the experience.

What song did he pick? “Dancing Queen” by ABBA.

Oh, dude.

Starting the drive, things seemed fine. Steve nodded his head along with the tune for an hour and a half, then things started going bad. By three hours into the drive, Steve had already broken a rule: he stopped to get lunch, and turned off the song. But sure enough, he started it back up and kept driving. About four hours into his drive*, Steve says: “I find myself really longing for this section when the song ends and when it starts again — there’s about, like, a ten-second gap where there’s no sound, and then there’s that piano part that comes in and ruins everything again. [Song starts.] Right there.”

* The film isn’t that long — it’s only a few minutes.