Woman Looks Inside Her Heart

Ken AshfordHealth CareLeave a Comment

Fo rizzle:

_44095568_jennifer203A woman has seen her own heart on display at a medical exhibition.

Jennifer Sutton, 23, from Ringwood, Hampshire, successfully underwent an operation to replace her heart earlier this year.

She had developed a life-threatening condition called restrictive cardiomyopathy in her teens.

Now the original heart, which nearly killed her, has been put on temporary display by the Wellcome Collection in central London.

The exhibition explores the medical and cultural significance of the heart.

Jennifer decided to lend her heart to the Collection after undergoing surgery at Papworth Hospital, Cambridge, in June.

She hopes to help increase public awareness about organ donation – and the disease that could have ended her life.

Emotional experience

She said: "Seeing my heart for the first time is an emotional and surreal experience.

"It caused me so much pain and turmoil when it was inside me. Seeing it sitting here is extremely bizarre and very strange.

"Finally I can see this odd looking lump of muscle that has given me so much upset."

But while some women are interested in matters of the heart, most women — according to this new study — are just interested in the bling:

The key to falling in love: Men seek beauty, women seek cash

Being soul mates has often been considered the benchmark for any budding relationship.

In fact, looking for love is a much simpler process.

New scientific research has reached the conclusion which many of us have long suspected – that men are attracted by beauty while women focus on a partner’s wealth.

Data taken from a speed-dating study reveals that when it comes to the rules of attraction people behave like stereotypical Neanderthals.

It found that men would try to entice the most attractive woman they met, although they accepted they would make do with someone who falls somewhat short of their dream.

Meanwhile women will try and find a man whose wealth is on the same level as their own perceived attractiveness.

This is the conclusion of research published today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences by a group of scientist from different universities across the globe.

One those is Peter Todd, of Indiana University, who said the problem with earlier work that suggested that likes attract was that the scientists had simply asked people about preferences.

After the speeding dating sessions, during which each potential pair met briefly and recorded their interest in dating one another again, the researchers compared what they said they were looking for with what they actually did.

In their own assessments, subjects claimed their ideal mate would be similar to themselves. However, in the dating sessions involving 46 people in Munich, men went for looks while women went for money.

"We found that what men and women say they want is not the same as what they actually choose," Mr Todd said.

Harumph.  Golddiggers!