The closing weekend of Little Shop of Horrors was successful and loads of fun. Show got even tighter and the audiences were relatively large and appreciative. Strike, which I thought would be the worst, was completed in about 3 hours — that includes transporting and unloading everything back at the shop. Night hadn’t fallen yet, and we were all off to a final cast dinner.
And now I’m head-deep in Best Little Christmas Pageant Ever rehearsals. I’m very blessed with a lot of seasoned adults — I can just give them blocking and not worry too much about them. A lot of the kids are very seasoned and talented as well, but there are so many of them, and it’s going to be a tremendous task getting them where I want them.
In the meantime, what did I miss? Oh, yes. The Red Sox won the World Series in a four-game sweep. I missed the third game entirely (didn’t even TIVO it). I watched the fourth game in a state of semi-exhaustion. It wasn’t the most exciting game, but for the fact that the Red Sox won and took the title. I must say, it’s very odd being the non-underdog. The Red Sox are the new Yankees — the big bad team that everybody loves to hate. Well, not everybody.
What else did I miss? I guess there was a tragic fire on the coast. Yeah, that was bad.
But things are settling down again, and even though I’m in rehearsal, it’s a little different when you’re directing. And VERY different when directing 30+ kids. Oy.
I forge on.