Oh, Me Of Little Faith

Ken AshfordRed Sox & Other SportsLeave a Comment

And I was all ready to throw in the towel last week.  Shame on me.

Down 3-1, and with Manny saying "Well, no biggie if we lose" (or words to that effect), I just didn’t have a good feeling about the Red Sox taking the pennant.

And even though we got off to a good start last night, we were leaving too many men on base and hitting into waaaay too many double plays.  Up until the 7th, it was a nailbiter of a game.  But once the crazy and/or scary Papelbon (pictured below) took the mound, I felt pretty good.  And that’s when the rookies on the team really showed their stuff.


Now it’s time to face the Rockies.  They really are, as everyone says, the hottest team in baseball right now.  Ever.  21 out of the last 22 games blah blah blah.  Okay, but there’s the thing.  They’ve had a week to cool down the big mo.  So, we’ll see.  Should be a great World Series.