The United States State Department, those geniuses who brought you the War in Iraq and Blackwater and all, have suddenly discovered the Internet phenomenon known as the "blog".
That’s right, the State Department now has a blog, and given it the totally unmockable name, DIPNOTE.
Virtually unreadable with its small-white-on-black text, it has already become a comical failure. Some actual comments I culled in response to the blog’s very first post:
Andrew in Pennsylvania writes:
Let’s hope that we can engage in a real dialogue, and not just re-hashed press releases. To be honest, your initial comments on the Blackwater incident are not particuarly forthcoming or current – there is far more info available from the Wash Post, NYTimes, or that great new milblog site, Posted on Fri Sep 28, 2007Edward writes:
If the U.S. decides to bomb Iran, will the President seek a declaration of war first or will he just go ahead and start the war on his own authority? In my view, the President should obtain a declaration of war before bombing Iran.
An American Citizen Posted on Mon Oct 01, 2007Brian writes:
Uh, guys. The DipNote name is a shining example of your serious disconnect from the world of public discourse. Believe me, "Diplomatic" is not the word that springs to mind when hearing/reading "Dip".It’s "Dipstick". Look that up in "The Urban Dictionary".
" dip
A rip to use on a person who is confused, or looking stupid in a situation. Also a person who is dim, moronic, or a simple minded ass-hole."
One who has the intelligence of an oil dipstick in a car. Usually the oil is dirty and "not too bright" much like the person being described.I see that the sun doesn’t shine on your field you dipstick!
a loser, idiot " Posted on Mon Oct 01, 2007Sandra in Virginia writes:
I hate to post such a mundane first comment, but the color scheme of white text on a black background will keep me from coming back to see what is posted. Please change it. My eyes aren’t 20 years old any longer, and they are only going to get worse over time. Posted on Tue Oct 02, 2007Dave in Virginia writes:
Please change the color scheme! The white on black is VERY hard to read. Increase the font size as well, if you will.Thank you! Posted on Tue Oct 02, 2007
Don in Virginia writes:
Excellent Idea. BLACK text and WHITE background. Communications 101 – Your computer folks could make the change in minutes. Don’t call an inter departmental or inter agency meeting, don’t bother with feasibility studies or focus groups. "Just do it". Posted on Wed Oct 03, 2007Alan in New York writes:
I agree with earlier comments – great idea, horrible name. Dipnote is a fine term within the context of diplomatic jargon – as a blog title, it sounds way too close to "dipshit." Brainstorm for a new title. Posted on Wed Oct 03, 2007Corine in Washington writes:
Hello. I am a journalist. Do you think it will be easier to get replies to inquiries if we ask questions on the blog than over the phone to State Department Officials ?
Thank you Posted on Wed Oct 03, 2007Jason writes:
This blog is great. It will allow the world to keep track of your pretending to engage in diplomacy with Iran while your "administration" plans to bomb them without Congressional authorization, practical justification, the support of the American people, international legal support, or even the most basic sense of right and wrong.Thanks for keeping us safe by radicalizing half-a-million Muslim citizens. Great work! Posted on Wed Oct 03, 2007
Jagorev in New York writes:
…I CAN’T READ ANY OF THE TEXT Posted on Wed Oct 03, 2007B writes:
Will Condi be posting periodically, sharing tips on diplomacy and negotiating and what not? You guys still do that, right? She still works there, right? Posted on Wed Oct 03, 2007Jennifer in Michigan writes:
You have GOT to be kidding!! I’d tell you what I really think of your circa ’99 great blog experiment, but I’m afraid of being wiretapped and put under surveillance. Or worse. I’m sure this will be a smashing success, just like every other single thing this administration has gotten its hands on. Posted on Wed Oct 03, 2007