Porn For Soldiers

Ken AshfordIraq, Sex/Morality/Family ValuesLeave a Comment

I’m with Steve Benen — if you are fighting wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and risk get shot at or blown up at any moment, then by God you really should be entitled to read whatever the hell you want.

Yes, including Penthouse.

But the American Prude Family Association isn’t all that concerned about the soldier’s dying.  Nope, what bothers the AFA is that our soldiers are reading smut.

Dozens of religious and anti-pornography groups have complained to Congress and Defense Secretary Robert Gates that a Pentagon board set up to review magazines and films is allowing sales of material that Congress intended to ban.

"They’re saying ‘we’re not selling stuff that’s sexually explicit’ … and we say it’s pornography," says Donald Wildmon, head of the American Family Association, a Christian anti-pornography group. A letter-writing campaign launched Friday by opponents of the policy aims to convince Congress to "get the Pentagon to obey the law," he adds.

Well, obeying the law is nice, but it’s a dumb law.  And you would think that a group named American Family Association would be more concerned about returning the men and women fighting overseas back home to their families, rather than get all hot and bothered about nudie magazines.