Via Neatorama, a list of foreign words for which there is no English counterpart:
Kummerspeck (Germany): "Grief bacon" – the weight that you gain by overeating when you’re worried about something.
Attaccabottoni (Italy): A "buttonholer" – someone who corners casual acquaintances or even complete strangers for the purpose of telling them their miserable life stories.
Modré Pondeli (Czech): "Blue Monday" – When you skip coming in to work to give yourself a three-day weekend.
Razbliuto (Russia): The feeling you have for a person you used to love, but don’t anymore.
Shitta (Iran): Leftover dinner that’s eaten for breakfast.
Tartle (Scotland): To momentarily forget the name of the person you’re talking to. The word helps reduce the social embarrassment of such situations: "I’m sorry, I tartled there for a moment."
Pana po’o (Hawaii): To scratch your head in an attempt to remember something you’ve forgotten.
Ngaobera (Easter Island): A sore throat caused by too much screaming.
Backpfeifengesicht (Germany): A face that’s just begging for somebody to put their fist in it.
Papierkrieg (Germany): "Paper war" – bureaucratic paperwork whose only purpose is to block you from getting the refund, insurance payment, or other benefit that you have coming.
Rujuk (Indonesia): To remarry your ex-wife.
Mokita (New Guinea): The truth that everyone knows, but no one will speak about.
Gorrero (Spain, Central America): Someone who never picks up the check.
Fucha (Poland): Using your employer’s time and resources for your own purposes.
I’m going to start incorporating these words into everyday usage, although that’ll probably just make me a backpfeifengesicht.