Blackwater Shoots The New York Times’ Dog

Ken AshfordIraqLeave a Comment

The New York Times has been reporting how the security firm, Blackwater, has been going around shooting innocent people in Baghdad for no good reason. And guess what happened last week? The U.S. embassy in Iraq is investigating another deadly shooting incident involving its Blackwater bodyguards — this time of the New York Times’s dog. Staff at the newspaper’s Baghdad … Read More

Playing The Victim

Ken AshfordCrimeLeave a Comment

Conservatives often like to play the victim over imaginary threats (i.e., the left-wing conspiracy to attack Christmas [the so-called "War On Christmas"]), and I find that (for some reason) very very amusing. Some conservatives, however, let their imagination run away with them: A Princeton University junior who claimed to have been beaten by two men in black ski caps for … Read More

How Loony Is Huckabee?

Ken AshfordElection 2008Leave a Comment

In 1998, then-Arkansas-governor Huckabee wrote a book entitled Kids Who Kill: Confronting Our Culture Of Violence, spawned from a March 24, 1998, school shooting in Jonesboro, Arkansas. In Kids Who Kill, Huckabee argued that school shootings were the product of a society in decline, a decline marked (and caused) by abortion, pornography, media violence, out-of-wedlock sex, divorce, drug use, and, … Read More

My, Aren’t We Vain!

Ken AshfordPopular CultureLeave a Comment

AP: NEW YORK (AP) – More Americans are Googling themselves – and many are checking out their friends, co-workers and romantic interests, too. In a report Sunday, the Pew Internet and American Life Project said 47 percent of U.S. adult Internet users have looked for information about themselves through Google or another search engine. That is more than twice the … Read More

Fascists Everywhere

Ken AshfordRight Wing Punditry/IdiocyLeave a Comment

Via Sadly, No!, a look at the dustcover of Jonah Goldberg’s forthcoming book entitled "Liberal Fascists". This is the book that Jonah himself described back in March with these words: My book isn’t like Dinesh’s latest book. It isn’t like any Ann Coulter book. It isn’t what the Amazon description says or what the Economist claims it is. Or what … Read More

Sondheim Dismembers Sweeney

Ken AshfordTheatreLeave a Comment

Good series of articles in yesterday’s New York Times about the cuts made to bring the stage musical Sweeney Todd to the screen.  For example: After 20 years of directors and deals falling by the wayside, Mr. Burton and the screenwriter John Logan came along with an idea for retelling the story in more cinematic terms. First, there would be … Read More

Tuna Christmas

Ken AshfordLocal Interest, TheatreLeave a Comment

From The Winston-Salem Journal, on the subject of Winston-Salem Theatre Alliance’s production of "Tuna Christmas" Once again, director Jamie Lawrence knows just how to tap body language and voice inflection to convey character after character. Sometimes it’s hard to believe that the same actor can inhabit so many different personalities. Well, credit is certainly due to Jamie Lawson for his … Read More

I Think I Saw This Movie

Ken AshfordCrimeLeave a Comment

From the Associated Press: ELIZABETH, New Jersey (AP) — Two inmates escaped from a county jail, hiding the holes they made in the walls by putting up photos of bikini-clad women, officials said.

Typepad Update

Ken AshfordBloggingLeave a Comment

Sporadic blogging.  Something up with Typepad.  Bear with me while they fix the technical difficulties… UPDATE:  Problems fixed.  For the record, it wasn’t Typepad.  It was some coding I did this weekend for the site.  Grrrrrr….. UPDATE NO. 2:  Hmmmm.  It’s now listing all my posts for the past several months on the lefthand column….

The FISA Fight Begins

Ken AshfordWiretapping & SurveillanceLeave a Comment

The Senate is set to begin debate today on a FISA bill that would overhaul the rules for electronic surveillance. Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) has elected to bring legislation to the Senate floor that would provide retroactive immunity for telecommunications companies that participated in the Bush administration’s illegal spying efforts. Sen. Chris Dodd (D-CT) will reportedly filibuster the bill. FDL … Read More

Lieberman Endorses McCain

Ken AshfordElection 2008Leave a Comment

Sen. Joseph Lieberman, I-Conn., just endorsed Republican John McCain’s bid for the presidency, Saying: "I know it’s unusual for a Democrat to be endorsing a Republican…" Except for one thing Sen. Lieberman — you’re not Democrat. UPDATE:  Ned Lamont, the Democrat that Lieberman defeated in 2006, says: During our debate last year, Senator Lieberman intoned that he wanted to "elect … Read More

RIP Dan Fogelberg

Ken AshfordIn PassingLeave a Comment

I admit it — "Same Auld Lang Syne" always made me cry…. Actually, "Leader Of The Band", too… Come to think of it, you really should download "The Innocent Age" (it’s not an entire downer)…. UPDATE:  His website, announcing the news…..

The Huckabee Backlash

Ken AshfordElection 2008Leave a Comment

MONDAY MORNING UPDATE:  Typepad seems to be on the fritz.  I’m still posting, but nothing is showing.  I guess they’re working on it…. It’s kind of amusing to watch the GOP punditry lash out against Huckabee.  For years, they have courted the Christian conservative vote if only to get people like Bush in office.  People like Bush make a lot … Read More


Ken AshfordWhite House SecrecyLeave a Comment

Well, well, well…. Look how much the Bush Administration has spent for paper-shredding over the past few years. Each bar off the vertical axis represents $500,000 dollars. John Cook: In 2000, the feds spent $452,807 to make unpleasant truths go away; by 2006, the "Cheney Effect" had bumped that number up to $2.9 million. And by halfway through 2007, the … Read More