Class Warfare

Ken AshfordEconomy & Jobs & DeficitLeave a Comment

Bush wonders why he’s not getting credit for the increase in wealth because if his tax plan. Thanks to Krugman and Yglesius, we can see why — graphically.  The reason people don’t tout the benefir it because from Bush’s tax plans hits strongers for less the 10% of Americans.  And that 10%?  The uber-rich:

The Mitchell Report

Ken AshfordRed Sox & Other SportsLeave a Comment

I wasn’t going to address this, but I had the same thoughts as Volokh conspiracy blogger Ilya Somin (also a Bosox fan), so I might as well dive in: Unfortunately, the prominence of Yankees stars in the Report and the near-absence of Red Sox stars raises the question of whether Senator George Mitchell, the Report’s primary author, was compromised by … Read More

Obama Edges Ahead In New Hampshire

Ken AshfordElection 2008Leave a Comment

Sen. Barack Obama "has come from behind to turn the Democratic presidential race in New Hampshire into a toss-up," according to a new Concord Monitor poll. Obama leads with 32%, followed by Sen. Hillary Clinton at 31%, John Edwards at 18% and Gov. Bill Richardson at 8%. Key finding: "The poll suggests that the Democratic race could hinge on the … Read More

Maybe They Weren’t Terrorists?

Ken AshfordWar on Terrorism/TortureLeave a Comment

The Miami "Seas of David" terror bust was such an important blow in the War on Terror that Attorney General Alberto Gonzales himself gave a press conference in July of 2006. Federal agents had stopped a plot to blow up the Sears Tower, he said. The group had planned to "accomplish attacks against America," the FBI’s deputy director said at … Read More

Bush Will Veto Ban On Waterboarding

Ken AshfordWar on Terrorism/TortureLeave a Comment

Yesterday, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a ban on torture. Actually, per The Gavel, the House adopted the Army’s rules prohibiting torture for other agencies. Seems the Army doesn’t want to condone a practice that could be used on our soldiers. Not Bush, though. He will veto that ban: The White House vowed to veto the measure. Limiting the … Read More

Casualties Of War

Ken AshfordHealth Care, Iraq, Mental HealthLeave a Comment

The other statistic: More than 100,000 of the 750,000 veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan have sought treatment for mental problems from the Department of Veterans Affairs, an official said during a hearing on suicides. Dr. Ira Katz, the VA’s deputy chief of patient care, told members of the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee that the department’s suicide hotline has received more … Read More

I Don’t Think You Know What That Word Means

Ken AshfordElection 2008Leave a Comment

From the Christian news Wbsite, WorldNetDaily: Satan has reared his ugly head in the 2008 presidential campaign – literally. Emphasis mine. The article then describes the recent dust-up between Huckabee and Romney over Romney’s Mormon faith. Nothing about Satan’s head.

Patriots Proud Of Defeating Whoever That Last Team Was

Ken AshfordRandom MusingsLeave a Comment

From The Onion: FOXBOROUGH, MA—Patriots quarterback Tom Brady diplomatically emphasized that defeating whoever it was they had just played gave him and his teammates a great sense of accomplishment during his post-game press conference Sunday. "It’s always very satisfying to got out there and get a win against…against those guys," Brady said, adding that it was a mistake to take … Read More

Additions To Webcam

Ken AshfordBloggingLeave a Comment

I’ve had three webcams to the right hand "Live Webcams" column. (1) Lindsey Lights, a live shot of the well-known house in Ontario Canada with an incredible light display set to music (you’re better off, however, watching the live video stream when it is up and running) Here’s a Youtube of last year’s display: (2) Some webcam in Lewisville, pretty … Read More

Meteor Shower Alert

Ken AshfordScience & TechnologyLeave a Comment

For those of you who have never seen a meteor shower, it’s really beautiful. It’s that time of year: the annual Geminid Meteor Shower, and astronomers are saying it’s a "great year" to view it.  This is because, unlike last year, the moon will be in crescent phase (rather than a full moon), making the night sky darker and the … Read More

Review: New “Barney VI” Film Is A Dog

Ken AshfordPopular CultureLeave a Comment

Ever since Barney Bush made his first Christmas movie, it has become an annual tradition to be enjoyed by an ever dwindling selective audience.  In fact, the only people who are still interested in the "Barney" Christmas movies are probably the Bush family themselves. This year’s Barney movie, with the subtitle "Holiday In The National Parks", does nothing more than … Read More