I Don’t Think You Can Do That

Ken AshfordCrimeLeave a Comment

WeekendbernieIn New York (ah, only in New York), two guys tried to cash their friend’s social security check.  Their friend had died, but they thought they could cash the check if they dragged (well, wheeled more like —  they used an office chair) their dead friend to the bank.  Which they did:

"Witnesses observed Mr. Cintron flopping from side to side and these individuals propping him up as they rolled along," said NYPD spokesman Paul Browne.

The men left Cintron’s body outside while they went into Pay-O-Matic, where Cintron always cashed his checks, police said.

An employee recognized the name on the $355 check, and when he asked to see Cintron, O’Hare said, "He’s outside. We’ll get him," according to police.

"They were trying to pass the guy off as alive," Pay-O-Matic clerk Mariano Galvez told the Daily News. "They just left the body in the chair outside."

The casual corpse on the sidewalk at 3:45p.m. drew a large crowd, including an on-duty detective who was eating lunch at a restaurant next-door.

Needless to say, the men were arrested.