Signs Of Trouble In The Clinton Camp?

Ken AshfordElection 2008Leave a Comment

Hillary writes her campaign a check for $5 million dollars from her personal funds.  Her senior campaign staffers have agreed to work without pay.  That’s a bad sign.

Especially since Obama raised over $7 million since Super Tuesday.

By the way, they still don’t know the results in New Mexico.  When they went to bed last night, Hillary was up by less than 100 votes, out of 125,000 cast.

Politico has an article: Five Reasons Hillary Should Be Worried

UPDATE:  Then again, this Gallup Daily Tracking poll has got to make the Clinton people happy.

UPDATE:  Some moron analysis of the Clinton self-donation over at Townhall:

Since leaving the White House, Clinton has earned more than $20 million in speaking fees from foreign sources in places like the People’s Republic of China and Dubai, according to her Senate financial disclosure forms. They also share a joint checking account according to those same forms.

If Hillary uses that foreign money to finance her campaign she will have successfully exploited a loophole in campaign finance rules that forbids the use of foreign money in U.S. elections.

I dunno about you, but it sounds like the beginning of another classic Clinton financial scandal.

Uh, no dear.

Listen, corporations can’t contribute to campaigns either.  I, like millions of others, get paid by a corporation.  If I, like millions of others, then donate some of that money to, say, the Obama campaign, is there a financial "scandal" at bay?
